Moby Project – Docker Mon, 05 Jun 2023 18:57:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Moby Project – Docker 32 32 Docker Desktop 4.20: Docker Engine and CLI Updated to Moby 24.0 Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:00:00 +0000 We are happy to announce the major release of Moby 24.0 in Docker Desktop 4.20. We have dedicated significant effort to this release, marking a major milestone in the open source Moby project.

This effort began in September of last year when we announced we were extending the integration of the Docker Engine with containerd. Since then, we have continued working on the image store integration and contributing this work to the Moby project. 

In this release, we are adding support for image history, pulling images from private repositories, image importing, and support for the classic builder when using the containerd image store.

Patch Release Update: Experiencing startup issues mentioning “An unexpected error occurred”? Try updating to the newest version! We’ve addressed this in our 4.20.1 patch release.

Feature graphic with white 4.20 text on purple background

To explore and test these new features, activate the option Use containerd for pulling and storing images in the Features in Development panel within the Docker Desktop Settings (Figure 1). 

Screenshot of "Features in Development" page with "Use containerd for pulling and storing images" selected.
Figure 1: Select “Use containerd for pulling and storing images” in the “Features in development” screen.

When enabling this feature, you will notice your existing images are no longer listed, but there’s no need to worry. The containerd image store functions differently from the classic store, and you can only view one of them at a time. Images in the classic store can be accessed again by disabling the feature.

On the other hand, if you want to transfer your existing images to the new containerd store, simply push your images to the Docker Hub using the command docker push <my image name>. Then, activate the containerd store in the Settings and pull the image using docker pull <my image name>.

You can read all bug fixes and enhancements in the Moby release notes.

SBOM and provenance attestations using BuildKit v0.11

BuildKit v0.11 helps you secure your software supply chain by allowing you to add an SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) and provenance attestations in the SLSA format to your container images. This can be done with the container driver as described in the blog post Generating SBOMs for Your Image with BuildKit or by enabling the containerd image store and following the steps in the SBOM attestations documentation.

New Dockerfile inspection features

In version 4.20, you can use the docker build command to preview the configuration of your upcoming build or view a list of available build targets in your Dockerfile. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with multi-stage Dockerfiles or when diving into new projects.

When you run the build command, it processes your Dockerfile, evaluates all environment variables, and determines reachable build stages, but stops before running the build steps. You can use --print=outline to get detailed information on all build arguments, secrets, and SSH forwarding keys, along with their current values. Alternatively, use --print=targets to list all the possible stages that can be built with the --target flag.

We also aim to present textual descriptions for these elements by parsing the comments in your Dockerfile. Currently, you need to define BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL environment variable to use the --print flag (Figure 2).

Screenshot showing Buildx_experimental environmental variable.
Figure 2: Using the new `–print=outline` command outputs detailed information
on build arguments, secrets, SSH forwarding keys and associated values.

Check out the Dockerfile 1.5 changelog for more updates, such as loading images from on-disk OCI layout and improved Git source and checksum validation for ADD commands in the labs channel. Read the Highlights from the BuildKit v0.11 Release blog post to learn more.

Docker Compose dry run

In our continued efforts to make Docker Compose better for developer workflows, we’re addressing a long-standing user request. You can now dry run any Compose command by adding a flag (--dry-run). This gives you insight on what exactly Compose will generate or execute so nothing unexpected happens.

We’re also excited to highlight contributions from the community, such as First implementation of viz subcommand #10376 by @BenjaminGuzman, which generates a graph of your stack, with details like networks and ports. Try docker compose alpha viz on your project to check out your own graph.


We love hearing your feedback. Please leave any feedback on our public GitHub roadmap and let us know what else you’d like to see. Check out the Docker Desktop 4.20 release notes for a full breakdown of what’s new in the latest release.

Docker Desktop 4.19: Compose v2, the Moby project, and more Tue, 02 May 2023 13:54:50 +0000 Docker Desktop release 4.19 is now available. In this post, we highlight features added to Docker Desktop in the past month, including performance enhancements, new language support, and a Moby update.

banner 4.19 docker desktop

5x faster container-to-host networking on macOS

In Docker Desktop 4.19, we’ve made container-to-host networking performance 5x faster on macOS by replacing vpnkit with the TCP/IP stack from the gVisor project.

Many users work on projects that have containers communicating with a server outside their local Docker network. One example of this would be workloads that download packages from the internet via npm install or apt-get. This performance improvement should help a lot in these cases.

Over the next month, we’ll keep track of the stability of this new networking stack. If you notice any issues, you can revert to using the legacy vpnkit networking stack by setting "networkType":"vpnkit" in Docker Desktop’s settings.json config file.

Docker Init (Beta): Support for Node and Python

In our 4.18 release, we introduced docker init, a CLI command in Beta that helps you easily add Docker to any of your projects by creating the required assets for you. In the 4.19 release, we’re happy to add to this and share that the feature now includes support for Python and Node.js. 

You can try docker init with Python and Node.js by updating to the latest version of Docker Desktop (4.19) and typing docker init in the command line while inside a target project folder. 

The Docker team is working on adding more languages and frameworks for this command, including Java, Rust, and .Net. Let us know if you would like us to support a specific language or framework. We welcome any feedback you may have as we continue to develop and improve Docker Init (Beta).

Docker Init CLI welcome message that says this utility will walk you through creating the following files with sensible defaults for your project: .docker ignore, Dockerfile, and compose.yaml.

Docker Scout (Early Access)

With Docker Desktop release 4.19, we’ve made it easier to view Docker Scout data for all of your images directly in Docker Desktop. Whether you’re using an image stored locally in Docker Desktop or a remote image from Docker Hub, you can see all that data without leaving Docker Desktop.

Images view of Docker Desktop showing myorg in Hub with myorg/app, myorg/service, and myorg/auth
myorg/app:latest in Images view, showing image hierarchy, Layers (28), and 48 vulnerabilities in 746 packages
In Images view, recommended fixes for base image debian: Tag is preferred tag (stable-slim) and Major OS version update (10-slim).

A nudge toward Compose v2

Compose v1 has reached end-of-life and will no longer be bundled with Docker Desktop after June 2023.

In preparation, a new warning will be shown in the terminal when running Compose v1 commands. Set the COMPOSE_V1_EOL_SILENT=1 environment variable to suppress this message.

You can upgrade by enabling Use Compose v2 in the Docker Desktop settings. When active, Docker Desktop aliases docker-compose to Compose v2 and supports the recommended docker compose syntax.

Moby 23

We updated the Docker Engine and the CLI to Moby 23.0,  where we are upstreaming open source internal developments such as the containerd integration and Wasm support, which will ship with Moby 24.0. Moby 23.0 includes additional enhancements such as the --format=json shorthand variant of --format=“{{ json . }}” and support of relative source paths to the run command in the -v/--volume and -m/--mount flags. You can read more about Moby 23.0 in the release notes.


We love hearing your feedback. Please leave any feedback on our public GitHub roadmap and let us know what else you’d like to see. Check out the Docker Desktop 4.19 release notes for a full breakdown of what’s new in the latest release.

What is Notary and why is it important to CNCF? Tue, 24 Oct 2017 15:00:00 +0000

As you may have heard, the Notary project has been invited to join the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Much like its real world namesake, Notary is a platform for establishing trust over pieces of content.

In life, certain important events such as buying a house are facilitated by a trusted third party called a “notary.” When buying a house, this person is typically employed by the lender to verify your identity and serve as a witness to your signatures on the mortgage agreement. The notary carries a special stamp and will also sign the documents as an affirmation that a notary was present and verified all the required information relating to the borrowers.

In a similar manner, the Notary project, initially sponsored by Docker, is designed to provide high levels of trust  over digital content using strong cryptographic signatures. In addition to ensuring the provenance of the software, it also provides guarantees that the content is not modified without approval of the author anywhere in the supply chain.  This then allows higher level systems like Docker Enterprise Edition (EE)  with Docker Content Trust (which uses Notary) to establish clear policy on the usage of content.  For instance, a policy can be set that only signed content can be used at runtime and deployed by the orchestrators in the Docker platform. Overall Notary is a core piece of plumbing in Docker’s  approach to the secure supply chain whereby security is seamlessly and uniformly embedded into a workflow from development all the way through to operations.

Notary is an implementation of The Update Framework (TUF) written in Go. TUF was developed at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. TUF was submitted to join CNCF in partnership with Notary. The combined nature of these two projects makes for a particularly compelling donation– both the specification and most widely deployed implementation are coming in together under the auspices of the CNCF.

With technologies such as containerd and Kubernetes already members of CNCF, Notary and TUF are the first security-related projects to be added to the CNFC. This year has seen a significant uptick in data security compromises and we believe the CNCF is positioning itself ahead of the curve by inviting Notary and TUF to join. We hope that more security-focused projects are added to the CNCF over time.

Notary is already used in production environments beyond container distribution with Cloudflare integrating it into their PAL tool for container identity bootstrapping and Kolide using it to secure their autoupdater for the osquery tool. If current trends continue, there will be many more users in search of tools to secure their software distribution channels in the near future and Notary, TUF, and the CNCF will be well positioned to meet that need.


What is #Notary and why is it important to @CloudNativeFdn ? @moby #security
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Introducing Moby Project: a new open-source project to advance the software containerization movement Tue, 18 Apr 2017 14:29:00 +0000 Moby Project

Since Docker democratized software containers four years ago, a whole ecosystem grew around containerization and in this compressed time period it has gone through two distinct phases of growth. In each of these two phases, the model for producing container systems evolved to adapt to the size and needs of the user community as well as the project and the growing contributor ecosystem.

The Moby Project is a new open-source project to advance the software containerization movement and help the ecosystem take containers mainstream. It provides a library of components, a framework for assembling them into custom container-based systems and a place for all container enthusiasts to experiment and exchange ideas.

Let’s review how we got where we are today. In 2013-2014 pioneers started to use containers and collaborate in a monolithic open source codebase, Docker and few other projects, to help tools mature.

Docker Open Source

Then in 2015-2016, containers were massively adopted in production for cloud-native applications. In this phase, the user community grew to support tens of thousands of deployments that were backed by hundreds of ecosystem projects and thousands of contributors. It is during this phase, that Docker evolved its production model to an open component based approach. In this way, it allowed us to increase both the surface area of innovation and collaboration.

What sprung up were new independent Docker component projects that helped spur growth in the partner ecosystem and the user community. During that period, we extracted and rapidly innovated on components out of the Docker codebase so that systems makers could reuse them independently as they were building their own container systems: runc, HyperKit, VPNKit, SwarmKit, InfraKit, containerd, etc..

Docker Open Components

Being at the forefront of the container wave, one trend we see emerging in 2017 is containers going mainstream, spreading to every category of computing, server, data center, cloud, desktop, Internet of Things and mobile.  Every industry and vertical market, finance, healthcare, government, travel, manufacturing. And every use case, modern web applications, traditional server applications, machine learning, industrial control systems, robotics. What many new entrants in the container ecosystem have in common is that they build specialized systems, targeted at a particular infrastructure, industry or use case.

As a company Docker uses open source as our innovation lab, in collaboration with a whole ecosystem. Docker’s success is tied to the success of the container ecosystem: if the ecosystem succeeds, we succeed. Hence we have been planning for the next phase of the container ecosystem growth: what production model will help us scale the container ecosystem to fulfill the promise of making containers mainstream?

Last year, our customers started to ask for Docker on many platforms beyond Linux: Mac and Windows desktop, Windows Server, cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform, and we created a dozen Docker editions specialized for these platforms. In order to be able to build and ship these specialized editions is a relatively short time, with small teams, in a scalable way, without having to reinvent the wheel; it was clear we needed a new approach.  We needed our teams to collaborate not only on components, but also on assemblies of components, borrowing an idea from the car industry where assemblies of components are reused to build completely different cars.

Docker production model

We think the best way to scale the container ecosystem to the next level to get containers mainstream is to collaborate on assemblies at the ecosystem level.

Moby Project

In order to enable this new level of collaboration, today we are announcing the Moby Project, a new open-source project to advance the software containerization movement. It provides a “Lego set” of dozens of components, a framework for assembling them into custom container-based systems, and a place for all container enthusiasts to experiment and exchange ideas. Think of Moby as the “Lego Club” of container systems.

Moby is comprised of:

  1. A library of containerized backend components (e.g., a low-level builder, logging facility, volume management, networking, image management, containerd, SwarmKit, …)
  2. A framework for assembling the components into a standalone container platform, and tooling to build, test and deploy artifacts for these assemblies.
  3. A reference assembly, called Moby Origin, which is the open base for the Docker container platform, as well as examples of container systems using various components from the Moby library or from other projects.

Moby is designed for system builders, who want to build their own container based systems, not for application developers, who can use Docker or other container platforms. Participants in the Moby project can choose from the library of components derived from Docker or they can elect to “bring your own components” (BYOC) packaged as containers with the option to mix and match among all of the components to create a customized container system.

Docker uses the Moby Project as an open R&D lab, to experiment, develop new components, and collaborate with the ecosystem on the future of container technology. All our open source collaboration will move to the Moby project. Docker is, and will remain, a open source product that lets you build, ship and run containers. It is staying exactly the same from a user’s perspective. Users can continue to download Docker from the website. See more information about the respective roles of Docker and Moby on the Moby website.

Please join us in helping take software containers mainstream, and grow our ecosystem and our user community to the next level by collaborating on components and assemblies.

Let’s take #containers mainstream with #moby #mobyproject
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