Ajeet Singh Raina – Docker https://www.docker.com Tue, 11 Jul 2023 19:51:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://www.docker.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/cropped-Docker-favicon-32x32.png Ajeet Singh Raina – Docker https://www.docker.com 32 32 Conversational AI Made Easy: Developing an ML FAQ Model Demo from Scratch Using Rasa and Docker https://www.docker.com/blog/developing-using-rasa-and-docker/ Thu, 06 Jul 2023 13:52:20 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=43777 In today’s fast-paced digital era, conversational AI chatbots have emerged as a game-changer in delivering efficient and personalized user interactions. These artificially intelligent virtual assistants are designed to mimic human conversations, providing users with quick and relevant responses to queries.

A crucial aspect of building successful chatbots is the ability to handle frequently asked questions (FAQs) seamlessly. FAQs form a significant portion of user queries in various domains, such as customer support, e-commerce, and information retrieval. Being able to provide accurate and prompt answers to common questions not only improves user satisfaction but also frees up human agents to focus on more complex tasks. 

In this article, we’ll look at how to use the open source Rasa framework along with Docker to build and deploy a containerized, conversational AI chatbot.

Dark purple background with Docker and Rasa logos

Meet Rasa 

To tackle the challenge of FAQ handling, developers turn to sophisticated technologies like Rasa, an open source conversational AI framework. Rasa offers a comprehensive set of tools and libraries that empower developers to create intelligent chatbots with natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities. With Rasa, you can build chatbots that understand user intents, extract relevant information, and provide contextual responses based on the conversation flow.

Rasa allows developers to build and deploy conversational AI chatbots and provides a flexible architecture and powerful NLU capabilities (Figure 1).

 Illustration of Rasa architecture, showing connections between Rasa SDK,  Dialogue Policies, NLU Pipeline, Agent, Input/output channels, etc.
Figure 1: Overview of Rasa.

Rasa is a popular choice for building conversational AI applications, including chatbots and virtual assistants, for several reasons. For example, Rasa is an open source framework, which means it is freely available for developers to use, modify, and contribute to. It provides a flexible and customizable architecture that gives developers full control over the chatbot’s behavior and capabilities. 

Rasa’s NLU capabilities allow you to extract intent and entity information from user messages, enabling the chatbot to understand and respond appropriately. Rasa supports different language models and machine learning (ML) algorithms for accurate and context-aware language understanding. 

Rasa also incorporates ML techniques to train and improve the chatbot’s performance over time. You can train the model using your own training data and refine it through iterative feedback loops, resulting in a chatbot that becomes more accurate and effective with each interaction. 

Additionally, Rasa can scale to handle large volumes of conversations and can be extended with custom actions, APIs, and external services. This capability allows you to integrate additional functionalities, such as database access, external API calls, and business logic, into your chatbot.

Why containerizing Rasa is important

Containerizing Rasa brings several important benefits to the development and deployment process of conversational AI chatbots. Here are four key reasons why containerizing Rasa is important:

1. Docker provides a consistent and portable environment for running applications.

By containerizing Rasa, you can package the chatbot application, its dependencies, and runtime environment into a self-contained unit. This approach allows you to deploy the containerized Rasa chatbot across different environments, such as development machines, staging servers, and production clusters, with minimal configuration or compatibility issues. 

Docker simplifies the management of dependencies for the Rasa chatbot. By encapsulating all the required libraries, packages, and configurations within the container, you can avoid conflicts with other system dependencies and ensure that the chatbot has access to the specific versions of libraries it needs. This containerization eliminates the need for manual installation and configuration of dependencies on different systems, making the deployment process more streamlined and reliable.

2. Docker ensures the reproducibility of your Rasa chatbot’s environment.

By defining the exact dependencies, libraries, and configurations within the container, you can guarantee that the chatbot will run consistently across different deployments. 

3. Docker enables seamless scalability of the Rasa chatbot.

With containers, you can easily replicate and distribute instances of the chatbot across multiple nodes or servers, allowing you to handle high volumes of user interactions. 

4. Docker provides isolation between the chatbot and the host system and between different containers running on the same host.

This isolation ensures that the chatbot’s dependencies and runtime environment do not interfere with the host system or other applications. It also allows for easy management of dependencies and versioning, preventing conflicts and ensuring a clean and isolated environment in which the chatbot can operate.

Building an ML FAQ model demo application

By combining the power of Rasa and Docker, developers can create an ML FAQ model demo that excels in handling frequently asked questions. The demo can be trained on a dataset of common queries and their corresponding answers, allowing the chatbot to understand and respond to similar questions with high accuracy.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build an ML FAQ model demo using Rasa and Docker. You’ll set up a development environment to train the model and then deploy the model using Docker. You will also see how to integrate a WebChat UI frontend for easy user interaction. Let’s jump in.

Getting started

The following key components are essential to completing this walkthrough:

 Illustration showing connections between Local folder, app folder, preinstalled Rasa dependencies, etc.
Figure 2: Docker container with pre-installed Rasa dependencies and Volume mount point.

Deploying an ML FAQ demo app is a simple process involving the following steps:

  • Clone the repository
  • Set up the configuration files. 
  • Initialize Rasa.
  • Train and run the model. 
  • Bring up the WebChat UI app. 

We’ll explain each of these steps below.

Cloning the project

To get started, you can clone the repository by running the following command:

docker-ml-faq-rasa % tree -L 2
├── Dockerfile-webchat
├── README.md
├── actions
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── __pycache__
│   └── actions.py
├── config.yml
├── credentials.yml
├── data
│   ├── nlu.yml
│   ├── rules.yml
│   └── stories.yml
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── domain.yml
├── endpoints.yml
├── index.html
├── models
│   ├── 20230618-194810-chill-idea.tar.gz
│   └── 20230619-082740-upbeat-step.tar.gz
└── tests
    └── test_stories.yml

6 directories, 16 files

Before we move to the next step, let’s look at each of the files one by one.

File: domain.yml

This file describes the chatbot’s domain and includes crucial data including intents, entities, actions, and answers. It outlines the conversation’s structure, including the user’s input, and the templates for the bot’s responses.

version: "3.1"

  - greet
  - goodbye
  - affirm
  - deny
  - mood_great
  - mood_unhappy
  - bot_challenge

  - text: "Hey! How are you?"

  - text: "Here is something to cheer you up:"
    image: "https://i.imgur.com/nGF1K8f.jpg"

  - text: "Did that help you?"

  - text: "Great, carry on!"

  - text: "Bye"

  - text: "I am a bot, powered by Rasa."

  session_expiration_time: 60
  carry_over_slots_to_new_session: true

As shown previously, this configuration file includes intents, which represent the different types of user inputs the bot can understand. It also includes responses, which are the bot’s predefined messages for various situations. For example, the bot can greet the user, provide a cheer-up image, ask if the previous response helped, express happiness, say goodbye, or mention that it’s a bot powered by Rasa.

The session configuration sets the expiration time for a session (in this case, 60 seconds) and specifies whether the bot should carry over slots (data) from a previous session to a new session.

File: nlu.yml

The NLU training data are defined in this file. It includes input samples and the intents and entities that go with them. The NLU model, which connects user inputs to the right actions, is trained using this data.

version: "3.1"

- intent: greet
  examples: |
    - hey
    - hello
    - hi
    - hello there
    - good morning
    - good evening
    - moin
    - hey there
    - let's go
    - hey dude
    - goodmorning
    - goodevening
    - good afternoon

- intent: goodbye
  examples: |
    - cu
    - good by
    - cee you later
    - good night
    - bye
    - goodbye
    - have a nice day
    - see you around
    - bye bye
    - see you later

- intent: affirm
  examples: |
    - yes
    - y
    - indeed
    - of course
    - that sounds good
    - correct

- intent: deny
  examples: |
    - no
    - n
    - never
    - I don't think so
    - don't like that
    - no way
    - not really

- intent: mood_great
  examples: |
    - perfect
    - great
    - amazing
    - feeling like a king
    - wonderful
    - I am feeling very good
    - I am great
    - I am amazing
    - I am going to save the world
    - super stoked
    - extremely good
    - so so perfect
    - so good
    - so perfect

- intent: mood_unhappy
  examples: |
    - my day was horrible
    - I am sad
    - I don't feel very well
    - I am disappointed
    - super sad
    - I'm so sad
    - sad
    - very sad
    - unhappy
    - not good
    - not very good
    - extremly sad
    - so saad
    - so sad

- intent: bot_challenge
  examples: |
    - are you a bot?
    - are you a human?
    - am I talking to a bot?
    - am I talking to a human?

This configuration file defines several intents, which represent different types of user inputs that the chatbot can recognize. Each intent has a list of examples, which are example phrases or sentences that users might type or say to express that particular intent.

You can customize and expand upon this configuration by adding more intents and examples that are relevant to your chatbot’s domain and use cases.

File: stories.yml

This file is used to define the training stories, which serve as examples of user-chatbot interactions. A series of user inputs, bot answers, and the accompanying intents and entities make up each story.

version: "3.1"


- story: happy path
  - intent: greet
  - action: utter_greet
  - intent: mood_great
  - action: utter_happy

- story: sad path 1
  - intent: greet
  - action: utter_greet
  - intent: mood_unhappy
  - action: utter_cheer_up
  - action: utter_did_that_help
  - intent: affirm
  - action: utter_happy

- story: sad path 2
  - intent: greet
  - action: utter_greet
  - intent: mood_unhappy
  - action: utter_cheer_up
  - action: utter_did_that_help
  - intent: deny
  - action: utter_goodbye

The stories.yml file you provided contains a few training stories for a Rasa chatbot. These stories represent different conversation paths between the user and the chatbot. Each story consists of a series of steps, where each step corresponds to an intent or an action.

Here’s a breakdown of steps for the training stories in the file:

Story: happy path

  • User greets with an intent: greet
  • Bot responds with an action: utter_greet
  • User expresses a positive mood with an intent: mood_great
  • Bot acknowledges the positive mood with an action: utter_happy

Story: sad path 1

  • User greets with an intent: greet
  • Bot responds with an action: utter_greet
  • User expresses an unhappy mood with an intent: mood_unhappy
  • Bot tries to cheer the user up with an action: utter_cheer_up
  • Bot asks if the previous response helped with an action: utter_did_that_help
  • User confirms that it helped with an intent: affirm
  • Bot acknowledges the confirmation with an action: utter_happy

Story: sad path 2

  • User greets with an intent: greet
  • Bot responds with an action: utter_greet
  • User expresses an unhappy mood with an intent: mood_unhappy
  • Bot tries to cheer the user up with an action: utter_cheer_up
  • Bot asks if the previous response helped with an action: utter_did_that_help
  • User denies that it helped with an intent: deny
  • Bot says goodbye with an action: utter_goodbye

These training stories are used to train the Rasa chatbot on different conversation paths and to teach it how to respond appropriately to user inputs based on their intents.

File: config.yml

The configuration parameters for your Rasa project are contained in this file.

# The config recipe.
# https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/model-configuration/
recipe: default.v1

# The assistant project unique identifier
# This default value must be replaced with a unique assistant name within your deployment
assistant_id: placeholder_default

# Configuration for Rasa NLU.
# https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/nlu/components/
language: en

# # No configuration for the NLU pipeline was provided. The following default pipeline was used to train your model.
# # If you'd like to customize it, uncomment and adjust the pipeline.
# # See https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/tuning-your-model for more information.
#   - name: WhitespaceTokenizer
#   - name: RegexFeaturizer
#   - name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
#   - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
#   - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
#     analyzer: char_wb
#     min_ngram: 1
#     max_ngram: 4
#   - name: DIETClassifier
#     epochs: 100
#     constrain_similarities: true
#   - name: EntitySynonymMapper
#   - name: ResponseSelector
#     epochs: 100
#     constrain_similarities: true
#   - name: FallbackClassifier
#     threshold: 0.3
#     ambiguity_threshold: 0.1

# Configuration for Rasa Core.
# https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/core/policies/
# # No configuration for policies was provided. The following default policies were used to train your model.
# # If you'd like to customize them, uncomment and adjust the policies.
# # See https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/policies for more information.
#   - name: MemoizationPolicy
#   - name: RulePolicy
#   - name: UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy
#     max_history: 5
#     epochs: 100
#   - name: TEDPolicy
#     max_history: 5
#     epochs: 100
#     constrain_similarities: true

The configuration parameters for your Rasa project are contained in this file. Here is a breakdown of the configuration file:

1. Assistant ID:

  • Assistant_id: placeholder_default
  • This placeholder value should be replaced with a unique identifier for your assistant.

2. Rasa NLU configuration:

  • Language: en
    • Specifies the language used for natural language understanding.
  • Pipeline:
    • Defines the pipeline of components used for NLU processing.
    • The pipeline is currently commented out, and the default pipeline is used.
    • The default pipeline includes various components like tokenizers, featurizers, classifiers, and response selectors.
    • If you want to customize the pipeline, you can uncomment the lines and adjust the pipeline configuration.

3. Rasa core configuration:

  • Policies:
    • Specifies the policies used for dialogue management.
    • The policies are currently commented out, and the default policies are used.
    • The default policies include memoization, rule-based, and TED (Transformer   Embedding Dialogue) policies
    • If you want to customize the policies, you can uncomment the lines and adjust the policy configuration.

File: actions.py

The custom actions that your chatbot can execute are contained in this file. Retrieving data from an API, communicating with a database, or doing any other unique business logic are all examples of actions.

# This files contains your custom actions which can be used to run
# custom Python code.
# See this guide on how to implement these action:
# https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/custom-actions

# This is a simple example for a custom action which utters "Hello World!"

# from typing import Any, Text, Dict, List
# from rasa_sdk import Action, Tracker
# from rasa_sdk.executor import CollectingDispatcher
# class ActionHelloWorld(Action):
#     def name(self) -> Text:
#         return "action_hello_world"
#     def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
#             tracker: Tracker,
#             domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
#         dispatcher.utter_message(text="Hello World!")
#         return []

Explanation of the code:

  • The ActionHelloWorld class extends the Action class provided by the rasa_sdk.
  • The name method defines the name of the custom action, which in this case is “action_hello_world”.
  • The run method is where the logic for the custom action is implemented.
  • Within the run method, the dispatcher object is used to send a message back to the user. In this example, the message sent is “Hello World!”.
  • The return [] statement indicates that the custom action has completed its execution.

File: endpoints.yml

The endpoints for your chatbot are specified in this file, including any external services or the webhook URL for any custom actions.  

Initializing Rasa

This command initializes a new Rasa project in the current directory ($(pwd)):

docker run  -p 5005:5005 -v $(pwd):/app rasa/rasa:3.5.2 init --no-prompt

It sets up the basic directory structure and creates essential files for a Rasa project, such as config.yml, domain.yml, and data/nlu.yml. The -p flag maps port 5005 inside the container to the same port on the host, allowing you to access the Rasa server. <IMAGE>:3.5.2 refers to the Docker image for the specific version of Rasa you want to use.

Training the model

The following command trains a Rasa model using the data and configuration specified in the project directory:

docker run -v $(pwd):/app rasa/rasa:3.5.2 train --domain domain.yml --data data --out models

The -v flag mounts the current directory ($(pwd)) inside the container, allowing access to the project files. The --domain domain.yml flag specifies the domain configuration file, --data data points to the directory containing the training data, and --out models specifies the output directory where the trained model will be saved.

Running the model

This command runs the trained Rasa model in interactive mode, enabling you to test the chatbot’s responses:

docker run -v $(pwd):/app rasa/rasa:3.5.2 shell

The command loads the trained model from the models directory in the current project directory ($(pwd)). The chatbot will be accessible in the terminal, allowing you to have interactive conversations and see the model’s responses.

Verify Rasa is running:

curl localhost:5005
Hello from Rasa: 3.5.2

Now you can send the message and test your model with curl:

curl --location 'http://localhost:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
 "sender": "Test person",
 "message": "how are you ?"}'

Running WebChat

The following command deploys the trained Rasa model as a server accessible via a WebChat UI:

docker run -p 5005:5005 -v $(pwd):/app rasa/rasa:3.5.2 run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" --debug

The -p flag maps port 5005 inside the container to the same port on the host, making the Rasa server accessible. The -m models flag specifies the directory containing the trained model. The --enable-api flag enables the Rasa API, allowing external applications to interact with the chatbot. The --cors "*" flag enables cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) to handle requests from different domains. The --debug flag enables debug mode for enhanced logging and troubleshooting.

docker run -p 8080:80 harshmanvar/docker-ml-faq-rasa:webchat

Open http://localhost:8080 in the browser (Figure 3).

Screenshot of sample chatbot conversation in browser.
Figure 3: WebChat UI.

Defining services using a Compose file

Here’s how our services appear within a Docker Compose file:

    image: rasa/rasa:3.5.2
      - 5005:5005
      - ./:/app
    command: run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" --debug
    image: harshmanvar/docker-ml-faq-rasa:webchat 
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile-webchat
      - 8080:80

Your sample application has the following parts:

  • The rasa service is based on the rasa/rasa:3.5.2 image. 
  • It exposes port 5005 to communicate with the Rasa API. 
  • The current directory (./) is mounted as a volume inside the container, allowing the Rasa project files to be accessible. 
  • The command run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" --debug starts the Rasa server with the specified options.
  • The webchat service is based on the harshmanvar/docker-ml-faq-rasa:webchat image. It builds the image using the Dockerfile-webchat file located in the current context (.). Port 8080 on the host is mapped to port 80 inside the container to access the webchat interface.

You can clone the repository or download the docker-compose.yml file directly from GitHub.

Bringing up the container services

You can start the WebChat application by running the following command:

docker compose up -d --build

Then, use the docker compose ps command to confirm that your stack is running properly. Your terminal will produce the following output:

docker compose ps
NAME                            IMAGE                                  COMMAND                  SERVICE             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS
docker-ml-faq-rassa-rasa-1      harshmanvar/docker-ml-faq-rasa:3.5.2   "rasa run -m models …"   rasa                6 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds>5005/tcp
docker-ml-faq-rassa-webchat-1   docker-ml-faq-rassa-webchat            "/docker-entrypoint.…"   webchat             6 seconds ago       Up 5 seconds>80/tcp

Viewing the containers via Docker Dashboard

You can also leverage the Docker Dashboard to view your container’s ID and easily access or manage your application (Figure 4):

Screenshot showing running containers in Docker dashboard.
Figure 4: View containers with Docker Dashboard.


Congratulations! You’ve learned how to containerize a Rasa application with Docker. With a single YAML file, we’ve demonstrated how Docker Compose helps you quickly build and deploy an ML FAQ Demo Model app in seconds. With just a few extra steps, you can apply this tutorial while building applications with even greater complexity. Happy developing.

Check out Rasa on DockerHub.

Shorter Feedback Loops Developing Java Apps with Digma’s Free Docker Extension https://www.docker.com/blog/shorter-feedback-loops-developing-java-apps-with-digmas-free-docker-extension/ Tue, 20 Jun 2023 13:03:17 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=43247 Many engineering teams follow a similar process when developing Docker images. This process encompasses activities such as development, testing, and building, and the images are then released as the subsequent version of the application. During each of these distinct stages, a significant quantity of data can be gathered, offering valuable insights into the impact of code modifications and providing a clearer understanding of the stability and maturity of the product features.

Observability has made a huge leap in recent years, and advanced technologies such as OpenTelemetry (OTEL) and eBPF have simplified the process of collecting runtime data for applications. Yet, for all that progress, developers may still be on the fence about whether and how to use this new resource. The effort required to transform the raw data into something meaningful and beneficial for the development process may seem to outweigh the advantages offered by these technologies.

The practice of continuous feedback envisions a development flow in which this particular problem has been solved. By making the evaluation of code runtime data continuous, developers can benefit from shorter feedback loops and tighter control of their codebase. Instead of waiting for issues to develop in production systems, or even surface in testing, various developer tools can watch the code observability data for you and provide early warning and rigorous linting for regressions, code smells, or issues. 

At the same time, gathering information back into the code from multiple deployment environments, such as the test or production environment, can help developers understand how a specific function, query, or event is performing in the real world at a single glance.

Docker and Digma logos on orange background

Meet Digma, the first linter for your runtime data 

Digma is a free developer tool that was created to bridge the continuous feedback gap in the DevOps loop. It aims to make sense of the gazillion metrics traces and logs the code is spewing out — so that developers won’t have to. And, it does this continuously and automatically. 

To make the tool even more practical, Digma processes the observability data and uses it to lint the source code itself, right in the IDE. From a developer’s perspective, this means a whole new level of information about the code is revealed — allowing for better code design based on real-world feedback, as well as quick turnaround for fixing regression or avoiding common pitfalls and anti-patterns.

How Digma is deployed

Digma is packaged as a self-contained Docker extension to make it easy for developers to evaluate their code without registration to an external service or sharing any data that might not be allowed by corporate policy (Figure 1). As such, Digma acts as your own intelligent agent for monitoring code execution, especially in development and testing. The backend component is able to track execution over time and highlight any inadvertent changes to behavior, performance, or error patterns that should be addressed.  

To collect data about the code, behind the scenes Digma leverages OpenTelemetry, a widely used open standard for modern observability. To make getting started easier, Digma takes care of the configuration work for you, so from the developer’s point of view, getting started with continuous feedback is equivalent to flipping a switch.

 Illustration of Digma process showing feedback providers and observability sources.
Figure 1: Overview of Digma.

Once the information is collected using OTEL, Digma runs it through what could be described as a reverse pipeline, aggregating the data, analyzing it and providing it via an API to multiple outlets including the IDE plugin, Jaeger, and the Docker extension dashboard that we’ll describe in this example.

Note: Currently, Digma supports Java applications running on IntelliJ IDEA; however, support for additional languages and platforms will be rolling out in the coming months.

Installing Digma

Prerequisites: Docker Desktop 4.8 or later.

Note: You must ensure that the Docker Extension is enabled (Figure 2).

Screenshot of Docker Desktop showing "Enable Docker Extensions" selected with blue checkmark.
Figure 2: Enabling Docker Extensions.

Step 1. Installing the Digma Docker Extension

In the Extensions Marketplace, search for Digma and select Install (Figure 3).

Screenshot of Extensions Marketplace showing results of search for Digma.
Figure 3: Install Digma.

Step 2. Collecting feedback about your code

After installing the Digma extension from the marketplace, you’ll be directed to a quickstart page that will guide you through the next steps to collect feedback about your code. Digma can collect information from two different sources:

  • Your tests/debug sessions within the IDE
  • Any Docker containers you may have running in Docker desktop

Getting feedback while debugging/running code in the IDE

Digma’s IDE extension makes the process of collecting data about your code in the IDE trivial. The entire setup is reduced to a single toggle button click (Figure 4). Behind the scenes, Digma adds variables to the runtime configuration, so that it uses OpenTelemetry for observability. No prior knowledge or observability is needed, and no code changes are necessary to get this to work. 

With the observability toggle enabled, you’ll start getting immediate feedback as you run your code locally, or even when you execute your tests. Digma will be on the lookout for any regressions and will automatically spot code smells and issues.

Screenshot of Digma dialog box with Observability toggle switch enabled (in blue).
Figure 4: Observability toggle switch.

Getting feedback from running containers

In addition to the IDE, you can also choose to collect data from any running container on your machine running Java code. The process to do that is extremely simple and also documented in the Digma extension Getting Started page. It does not involve changing any Dockerfile or code. Basically, you download the OTEL agent, mount it to a volume on the container, and set some environment variables that point the Java process to use it.

curl --create-dirs -O -L --output-dir ./otel

curl --create-dirs -O -L --output-dir ./otel

export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-javaagent:/otel/javaagent.jar -Dotel.exporter.otlp.endpoint=http://localhost:5050 -Dotel.javaagent.extensions=/otel/digma-otel-agent-extension.jar"

docker run -d -v "/$(pwd)/otel:/otel" --env JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS --env OTEL_SERVICE_NAME --env DEPLOYMENT_ENV {-- APPEND PARAMS AND REPO/IMAGE --}

Uncovering how the code behaves in runtime

Whether you collect data from running containers or in the IDE, Digma will continuously analyze the code behavior and make the analysis results available both as code annotations in the IDE and as dashboards in the Digma extension itself. To demonstrate a live example, we’ve created a sample application based on the Java Spring Boot PetClinic app. 

In this scenario, we’ll clone the repo and run the code from the IDE, triggering a few actions to see what they reveal about the code. For convenience, we’ve created run configurations to simulate common API calls and create interesting data:

  1. Open the PetClinic project here in your IntelliJ IDE.
  2. Run the petclinic-service configuration.
  3. Access the API and play around with it on http://localhost:9753/ or simply run the ClientTested run config included in the workspace.

Almost immediately, the result of the dynamic linting analysis will start appearing over the code in the IDE (Figure 5):

Screenshot showing Digma Insights after analysis.
Figure 5: Results of Digma analysis.

At the same time, the Digma extension itself will present a dashboard cataloging all of the assets that have been identified, including code locations, API endpoints, database queries, and more (Figure 6). For each asset, you’ll be able to access basic statistics about its performance as well as a more detailed list of issues of concern that may need to be tracked about their runtime behavior.

 Screenshot of Digma dashboard listing assets that have been identified.
Figure 6: Digma dashboard.

Using the observability data

One of the main problems Digma tries to solve is not how to collect observability data but how to turn it into a useful and practical asset that can speed up development processes and improve the code. Digma’s insights can be directly applied during design time, based on existing data, as well as to validate changes as they are being run in dev/test/prod and to get early feedback and shorter loops into the development process.

Examples of design time planning code insights:

  • See runtime usage for the modified functions and understand who will be affected by the change
  • Concurrency to plan for, bottlenecks and criticality
  • Existing errors and exceptions that need to be handled by the new component
  • See complete visualization of the flow of control using the modified code 

Examples of runtime code validations for shorter feedback loops:

  • Catch code and query modeling smells, such as N+1 Selects, are detected and highlighted
  • Identify new performance bottlenecks and regressions as a result of the changes
  • Spot scaling issues earlier and address them as a part of the dev cycle

As Digma evolves, it continues to track and provide clear visibility into specific areas that are important to developers with the goal of having complete clarity about how each piece of code is behaving in real-world scenarios and catching issues and regressions much earlier in the process.

Who should use Digma?

Unlike many other observability solutions, Digma is code first and developer first. Digma is completely free for developers, does not require any code changes or sharing data, and will get you from zero to impactful data about your code within minutes.  If you are working on Java code, use the JetBrains IDE, and you want to improve your code with actual execution data, you can get started by picking up the Digma extension from the marketplace. 

You can provide feedback in our Slack channel and tell us where Digma improved your dev cycle.

Unlock Docker Desktop Real-Time Insights with the Grafana Docker Extension https://www.docker.com/blog/unlock-docker-desktop-real-time-insights-with-the-grafana-docker-extension/ Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:46:00 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=43134 More than one million, that’s the number of active Grafana installations worldwide. In the realm of data visualization and monitoring, Grafana has emerged as a go-to solution for organizations and individuals alike. With its powerful features and intuitive interface, Grafana enables users to gain valuable insights from their data. 

Picture this scenario: You have a locally hosted web application that you need to test thoroughly, but accessing it remotely for testing purposes seems like an insurmountable task. This is where the Grafana Cloud Docker Extension comes to the rescue. This extension offers a seamless solution to the problem by establishing a secure connection between your local environment and the Grafana Cloud platform.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using the Grafana Cloud Docker Extension and describe how it can bridge the gap between your local machine and the remote Grafana Cloud platform.

Graphic showing Docker and Grafana logos on dark blue background

Overview of Grafana Cloud

Grafana Cloud is a fully managed, cloud-hosted observability platform ideal for cloud-native environments. With its robust features, wide user adoption, and comprehensive documentation, Grafana Cloud is a leading observability platform that empowers organizations to gain insights, make data-driven decisions, and ensure the reliability and performance of their applications and infrastructure.

Grafana Cloud is an open, composable observability stack that supports various popular data sources, such as Prometheus, Elasticsearch, Amazon CloudWatch, and more (Figure 1). By configuring these data sources, users can create custom dashboards, set up alerts, and visualize their data in real-time. The platform also offers performance and load testing with Grafana Cloud k6 and incident response and management with Grafana Incident and Grafana OnCall to enhance the observability experience.

Graphic showing Hosted Grafana architecture with connections to elements including Node.js, Prometheus, Amazon Cloudwatch, and Google Cloud monitoring.
Figure 1: Hosted Grafana architecture.

Why run Grafana Cloud as a Docker Extension?

The Grafana Cloud Docker Extension is your gateway to seamless testing and monitoring, empowering you to make informed decisions based on accurate data and insights. The Docker Desktop integration in Grafana Cloud brings seamless monitoring capabilities to your local development environment. 

Docker Desktop, a user-friendly application for Mac, Windows, and Linux, enables you to containerize your applications and services effortlessly. With the Grafana Cloud extension integrated into Docker Desktop, you can now monitor your local Docker Desktop instance and gain valuable insights.

The following quick-start video shows how to monitor your local Docker Desktop instance using the Grafana Cloud Extension in Docker Desktop:

The Docker Desktop integration in Grafana Cloud provides a set of prebuilt Grafana dashboards specifically designed for monitoring Docker metrics and logs. These dashboards offer visual representations of essential Docker-related metrics, allowing you to track container resource usage, network activity, and overall performance. Additionally, the integration also includes monitoring for Linux host metrics and logs, providing a comprehensive view of your development environment.

Using the Grafana Cloud extension, you can visualize and analyze the metrics and logs generated by your Docker Desktop instance. This enables you to identify potential issues, optimize resource allocation, and ensure the smooth operation of your containerized applications and microservices.

Getting started

Prerequisites: Docker Desktop 4.8 or later and a Grafana Cloud account.

Note: You must ensure that the Docker Extension is enabled (Figure 2).

Screenshot showing search for Grafana in Extensions Marketplace.
Figure 2: Enabling Docker Extensions.

Step 1. Install the Grafana Cloud Docker Extension

In the Extensions Marketplace, search for Grafana and select Install (Figure 3).

Screenshot of Docker Desktop showing installation of extension.
Figure 3: Installing the extension.

Step 2. Create your Grafana Cloud account

A Grafana Cloud account is required to use the Docker Desktop integration. If you don’t have a Grafana Cloud account, you can sign up for a free account today (Figure 4).

 Screenshot of Grafana Cloud sign-up page.
Figure 4: Signing up for Grafana Cloud.

Step 3. Find the Connections console

In your Grafana instance on Grafana Cloud, use the left-hand navigation bar to find the Connections Console (Home > Connections > Connect data) as shown in Figure 5.

Screenshot of Grafana Cloud Connections console.
Figure 5: Connecting data.

Step 4. Install the Docker Desktop integration

To start sending metrics and logs to the Grafana Cloud, install the Docker Desktop integration (Figure 6). This integration lets you fetch the values of connection variables required to connect to your account.

 Screenshot of Connections console showing installation of Docker Desktop integration.
Figure 6: Installing the Docker Desktop Integration.

Step 5. Connect your Docker Desktop instance to Grafana Cloud

It’s time to open and connect the Docker Desktop extension to the Grafana Cloud (Figure 7). Enter the connection variable you found while installing the Docker Desktop integration on Grafana Cloud.

Screenshot showing connection of Docker Desktop extension to Grafana Cloud.
Figure 7: Connecting the Docker Desktop extension to Grafana Cloud.

Step 6. Check if Grafana Cloud is receiving data from Docker Desktop

Test the connection to ensure that the agent is collecting data (Figure 8).

Screenshot showing test of connection to ensure data collection.
Figure 8: Checking the connection.

Step 7. View the Grafana dashboard

The Grafana dashboard shows the integration with Docker Desktop (Figure 9).

 Screenshot of Grafana Dashboards page.
Figure 9: Grafana dashboard.

Step 8. Start monitoring your Docker Desktop instance

After the integration is installed, the Docker Desktop extension will start sending metrics and logs to Grafana Cloud.

You will see three prebuilt dashboards installed in Grafana Cloud for Docker Desktop.

Docker Overview dashboard

This Grafana dashboard gives a general overview of the Docker Desktop instance based on the metrics exposed by the cadvisor Prometheus exporter (Figure 10).

Screenshot of Grafana Docker overview dashboard showing metrics such as CPU and memory usage.
Figure 10: Docker Overview dashboard.

The key metrics monitored are:

  • Number of containers/images
  • CPU metrics
  • Memory metrics
  • Network metrics

This dashboard also contains a shortcut at the top for the logs dashboard so you can correlate logs and metrics for troubleshooting.

Docker Logs dashboard

This Grafana dashboard provides logs and metrics related to logs of the running Docker containers on the Docker Desktop engine (Figure 11).

Screenshot of Grafana Docker Logs dashboard showing statistics related to the running Docker containers.
Figure 11: Docker Logs dashboard.

Logs and metrics can be filtered based on the Docker Desktop instance and the container using the drop-down for template variables on the top of the dashboard.

Docker Desktop Node Exporter/Nodes dashboard

This Grafana dashboard provides the metrics of the Linux virtual machine used to host the Docker engine for Docker Desktop (Figure 12).

Screenshot of Docker Nodes dashboard showing metrics such as disk space and memory usage.
Figure 12: Docker Nodes dashboard.

How to monitor Redis in a Docker container with Grafana Cloud

Because the Grafana Agent is embedded inside the Grafana Cloud extension for Docker Desktop, it can easily be configured to monitor other systems running on Docker Desktop that are supported by the Grafana Agent.

For example, we can monitor a Redis instance running inside a container in Docker Desktop using the Redis integration for Grafana Cloud and the Docker Desktop extension.

If we have a Redis database running inside our Docker Desktop instance, we can install the Redis integration on Grafana Cloud by navigating to the Connections Console (Home > Connections > Connect data) and clicking on the Redis tile (Figure 13).

Screenshot of Connections Console showing adding Redis as data source.
Figure 13: Installing the Redis integration on Grafana Cloud.

To start collecting metrics from the Redis server, we can copy the corresponding agent snippet into our agent configuration in the Docker Desktop extension. Click on Configuration in the Docker Desktop extension and add the following snippet under the integrations key. Then press Save configuration (Figure 14).

Screenshot of Connections console showing configuration of Redis integration.
Figure 14: Configuring Redis integration.
    enabled: true
    redis_addr: 'localhost:6379'

In its default settings, the Grafana agent container is not connected to the default bridge network of Docker desktop. To connect the agent to this container, run the following command:

docker network connect bridge grafana-docker-desktop-extension-agent

This step allows the agent to connect and scrape metrics from applications running on other containers. Now you can see Redis metrics on the dashboard installed as part of the Redis solution for Grafana Cloud (Figure 15).

 Screenshot showing Redis metrics on the dashboard.
Figure 15: Viewing Redis metrics.


With the Docker Desktop integration in Grafana Cloud and its prebuilt Grafana dashboards, monitoring your Docker Desktop environment becomes a streamlined process. The Grafana Cloud Docker Extension allows you to gain valuable insights into your local Docker instance, make data-driven decisions, and optimize your development workflow with the power of Grafana Cloud. Explore a new realm of testing possibilities and elevate your monitoring game to new heights. 

Check out the Grafana Cloud Docker Extension on Docker Hub.

Docker Desktop GrafanaCloud nonadult
Boost Your Local Testing Game with the LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension https://www.docker.com/blog/boost-your-local-testing-game-with-lambdatest-tunnel-docker-extension/ Tue, 16 May 2023 14:48:07 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=42430 As the demand for web applications continues to rise, so does the importance of testing them thoroughly. One challenge that testers face is how to test applications that are hosted locally on their machines. This is where the LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension comes in handy. This extension allows you to establish a secure connection between your local environment and the LambdaTest platform, making it possible to test your locally hosted pages and applications on a remote browser. 

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using the LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension and describe how it can streamline your testing workflow.

White Docker logo on black background with LambdaTest logo in blue

Overview of LambdaTest Tunnel

LambdaTest Tunnel is a secure and encrypted tunneling feature that allows devs and QAs to test their locally hosted web applications or websites on the cloud-based real machines. It establishes a secure connection between the user’s local machine and the real machine in the cloud (Figure 1).

By downloading the LambdaTest Tunnel binary, you can securely connect your local machine to LambdaTest cloud servers even when behind corporate firewalls. This allows you to test locally hosted websites or web applications across various browsers, devices, and operating systems available on the LambdaTest platform. Whether your web files are written in HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, or similar languages, you can use LambdaTest Tunnel to test them.

Diagram of LambdaTest Tunnel network setup, showing connection from the tunnel client to the API gateway to the LambdaTest's private network with proxy server and browser VMs.
Figure 1: Overview of LambdaTest Tunnel.

Why use LambdaTest Tunnel?

LambdaTest Tunnel offers numerous benefits for web developers, testers, and QA professionals. These include secure and encrypted connection, cross-browser compatibility testing, localhost testing, etc.

Let’s see the LambdaTest Tunnel benefits one by one:

  • It provides a secure and encrypted connection between your local machine and the virtual machines in the cloud, thereby ensuring the privacy of your test data and online communications.
  • With LambdaTest Tunnel, you can test your web applications or websites, local folder, and files across a wide range of browsers and operating systems without setting up complex and expensive local testing environments.
  • It lets you test your locally hosted web applications or websites on cloud-based real OS machines.
  • You can even run accessibility tests on desktop browsers while testing locally hosted web applications and pages.

Why run LambdaTest Tunnel as a Docker Extension?

With Docker Extensions, you can build and integrate software applications into your daily workflow. Using LambdaTest Tunnel as a Docker extension provides a seamless and hassle-free experience for establishing a secure connection and performing cross-browser testing of locally hosted websites and web applications on the LambdaTest platform without manually launching the tunnel through the command line interface (CLI).

The LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension opens up a world of options for your testing workflows by adding a variety of features. Docker Desktop has an easy-to-use one-click installation feature that allows you to use the LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension directly from Docker Desktop.

Getting started

Prerequisites: Docker Desktop 4.8 or later and a LambdaTest account. Note: You must ensure the Docker extension is enabled (Figure 2).

Screenshot of Docker Desktop with Docker Extensions enabled.
Figure 2: Enable Docker Extensions.

Step 1: Install the LambdaTest Docker Extension

In the Extensions Marketplace, search for LambdaTest Tunnel extension and select Install (Figure 3).

Screen shot of Extensions Marketplace, showing blue Install button for LambdaTest Tunnel.
Figure 3: Install LambdaTest Tunnel.

Step 2: Set up the Docker LambdaTest Tunnel

Open the LambdaTest Tunnel and select the Setup Tunnel to configure the tunnel (Figure 4).

Screenshot of LambdaTest Tunnel setup page.
Figure 4: Configure the tunnel.

Step 3: Enter your LambdaTest credentials

Provide your LambdaTest Username, Access Token, and preferred Tunnel Name. You can get your Username and Access Token from your LambdaTest Profile under Password & Security. 
Once these details have been entered, click on the Launch Tunnel (Figure 5).

Screenshot of LambdaTest Docker Tunnel page with black "Launch Tunnel" button.
Figure 5: Launch LambdaTest Tunnel.

The LambdaTest Tunnel will be launched, and you can see the running tunnel logs (Figure 6).

Screenshot of LambdaTest Docker Tunnel page with list of running tunnels.
Figure 6: Running logs.

Once you have configured the LambdaTest Tunnel via Docker Extension, it should appear on the LambdaTest Dashboard (Figure 7).

Screenshot of new active tunnel in LambdaTest dashboard.
Figure 7: New active tunnel.

Local testing using LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension

Let’s walk through a scenario using LambdaTest Tunnel. Suppose a web developer has created a new web application that allows users to upload and view images. The developer needs to ensure that the application can handle a variety of different image formats and sizes and that it can render display images across different browsers and devices.

To do this, the developer first sets up a local development environment and installs the LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension. They then use the web application to open and manipulate local image files.

Next, the developer uses the LambdaTest Tunnel to securely expose their local development environment to the internet. This step allows them to test the application in real-time on different browsers and devices using LambdaTest’s cloud-based digital experience testing platform.

Now let’s see the steps to perform local testing using the LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension.

1. Go to the LambdaTest Dashboard and navigate to Real Time Testing > Browser Testing (Figure 8).

Screenshot of LambdaTest Tunnel showing Browser Testing selected.
Figure 8: Navigate to Browser Testing.

2. In the console, enter the localhost URL, select browser, browser version, operating system, etc. and select START (Figure 9).

Screenshot of LambdaTest Tunnel page showing browser options to choose from.
Figure 9: Configure testing.

3. A cloud-based real operating system will fire up where you can perform testing of local files or folders (Figure 10).

Screenshot of LambdaTest showing local test example.
Figure 10: Perform local testing.

Learn more about how to set up the LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension in the documentation


The LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension makes it easy to perform local testing without launching the tunnel from the CLI. You can run localhost tests over an online cloud grid of 3000+ real browsers and operating system combinations. You don’t have to worry about the challenges of local infrastructure because LambdaTest provides you with a cloud grid of zero downtime. 

Check out the LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension on DockerHub. The LambdaTest Tunnel Docker Extension source code is available on GitHub, and contributions are welcome. 

Building a Local Application Development Environment for Kubernetes with the Gefyra Docker Extension  https://www.docker.com/blog/building-a-local-application-development-environment-for-kubernetes-with-the-gefyra-docker-extension/ Wed, 03 May 2023 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=42061 If you’re using a Docker-based development approach, you’re already well on your way toward creating cloud-native software. Containerizing your software ensures that you have all the system-level dependencies, language-specific requirements, and application configurations managed in a containerized way, bringing you closer to the environment in which your code will eventually run. 

In complex systems, however, you may need to connect your code with several auxiliary services, such as databases, storage volumes, APIs, caching layers, message brokers, and others. In modern Kubernetes-based architectures, you also have to deal with service meshes and cloud-native deployment patterns, such as probes, configuration, and structural and behavioral patterns. 

Kubernetes offers a uniform interface for orchestrating scalable, resilient, and services-based applications. However, its complexity can be overwhelming, especially for developers without extensive experience setting up Kubernetes clusters. That’s where Gefyra comes in, making it easier for developers to work with Kubernetes and improve the process of creating secure, reliable, and scalable software.

Gefyra and Docker logos on a dark background with a lighter purple outline of two puzzle pieces

What is Gefyra? 

Gefyra, named after the Greek word for “bridge,” is a comprehensive toolkit that facilitates Docker-based development with Kubernetes. If you plan to use Kubernetes as your production platform, it’s essential to work with the same environment during development. This approach ensures that you have the highest possible “dev/prod-parity,” minimizing friction when transitioning from development to production. 

Gefyra is an open source project that provides docker run on steroids. It allows you to connect your local Docker with any Kubernetes cluster and run a container locally that behaves as if it would run in the cluster. You can write code locally in your favorite code editor using the tools you love. 

Additionally, Gefyra does not require you to build a container image from your code changes, push the image to a registry, or trigger a restart in the cluster. Instead, it saves you from this tedious cycle by connecting your local code right into the cluster without any changes to your existing Dockerfile. This approach is useful not only for new code but also when introspecting existing code with a debugger that you can attach to a running container. That makes Gefyra a productivity superstar for any Kubernetes-based development work.

How does Gefyra work?

Gefyra installs several cluster-side components that enable it to control the local development machine and the development cluster. These components include a tunnel between the local development machine and the Kubernetes cluster, a local DNS resolver that behaves like the cluster DNS, and sophisticated IP routing mechanisms. Gefyra uses popular open source technologies, such as Docker, WireGuard, CoreDNS, Nginx, and Rsync, to build on top of these components.

The local development setup involves running a container instance of the application on the developer machine, with a sidecar container called Cargo that acts as a network gateway and provides a CoreDNS server that forwards all requests to the cluster (Figure 1). Cargo encrypts all the passing traffic with WireGuard using ad hoc connection secrets. Developers can use their existing tooling, including their favorite code editor and debuggers, to develop their applications.

Yellow graphic with white text boxes showing development setup, including: IDE, Volumes, Shell, Logs, Debugger, and connection to Gefyra, including App Container and Cargo sidecar container.
Figure 1: Local development setup.

Gefyra manages two ends of a WireGuard connection and automatically establishes a VPN tunnel between the developer and the cluster, making the connection robust and fast without stressing the Kubernetes API server (Figure 2). Additionally, the client side of Gefyra manages a local Docker network with a VPN endpoint, allowing the container to join the VPN that directs all traffic into the cluster.

Yellow graphic with boxes and arrows showing connection between Developer Machine and Developer Cluster.
Figure 2: Connecting developer machine and cluster.

Gefyra also allows bridging existing traffic from the cluster to the local container, enabling developers to test their code with real-world requests from the cluster and collaborate on changes in a team. The local container instance remains connected to auxiliary services and resources in the cluster while receiving requests from other Pods, Services, or the Ingress. This setup eliminates the need for building container images in a continuous integration pipeline and rolling out a cluster update for simple changes.

Why run Gefyra as a Docker Extension?

Gefyra’s core functionality is contained in a Python library available in its repository. The CLI that comes with the project has a long list of arguments that may be overwhelming for some users. To make it more accessible, Gefyra developed the Docker Desktop extension, which is easy for developers to use without having to delve into the intricacies of Gefyra.

The Gefyra extension for Docker Desktop enables developers to work with a variety of Kubernetes clusters, including the built-in Kubernetes cluster, local providers such as Minikube, K3d, or Kind, Getdeck Beiboot, or any remote clusters. Let’s get started.

Installing the Gefyra Docker Desktop

Prerequisites: Docker Desktop 4.8 or later.

Step 1: Initial setup

In Docker Desktop, confirm that the Docker Extensions feature is enabled. (Docker Extensions should be enabled by default.) In Settings | Extensions select the Enable Docker Extensions box (Figure 3).

 Screenshot showing Docker Desktop interface with "Enable Docker Extensions" selected.
Figure 3: Enable Docker Extensions.

You must also enable Kubernetes under Settings (Figure 4).

Screenshot of Docker Desktop with "Enable Kubernetes" and "Show system containers (advanced)" selected.
Figure 4: Enable Kubernetes.

Gefyra is in the Docker Extensions Marketplace. In the following instructions, we’ll install Gefyra in Docker Desktop. 

Step 2: Add the Gefyra extension

Open Docker Desktop and select Add Extensions to find the Gefyra extension in the Extensions Marketplace (Figure 5).

Screenshot showing search for "Gefyra" in Docker Extensions Marketplace.
Figure 5: Locate Gefyra in the Docker Extensions Marketplace.

Once Gefyra is installed, you can open the extension and find the start screen of Gefyra that lists all containers that are connected to a Kubernetes cluster. Of course, this section is empty on a fresh install.
To launch a local container with Gefyra, just like with Docker, you need to click on the Run Container button at the top right (Figure 6).

 Screenshot showing Gefyra start screen.
Figure 6: Gefyra start screen.

The next steps will vary based on whether you’re working with a local or remote Kubernetes cluster. If you’re using a local cluster, simply select the matching kubeconfig file and optionally set the context (Figure 7). 

For remote clusters, you may need to manually specify additional parameters. Don’t worry if you’re unsure how to do this, as the next section will provide a detailed example for you to follow along with.

Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing blue "Choose Kubeconfig" button.
Figure 7: Selecting Kubeconfig.

The Kubernetes demo workloads

The following example showcases how Gefyra leverages the Kubernetes functionality included in Docker Desktop to create a development environment for a simple application that consists of two services — a backend and a frontend (Figure 8). 

Both services are implemented as Python processes, and the frontend service uses a color property obtained from the backend to generate an HTML document. Communication between the two services is established via HTTP, with the backend address being passed to the frontend as an environment variable.

 Yellow graphic showing connection of frontend and backend services.
Figure 8: Frontend and backend services.

The Gefyra team has created a repository for the Kubernetes demo workloads, which can be found on GitHub

If you prefer to watch a video explaining what’s covered in this tutorial, check out this video on YouTube


Ensure that the current Kubernetes context is switched to Docker Desktop. This step allows the user to interact with the Kubernetes cluster and deploy applications to it using kubectl.

kubectl config current-context

Clone the repository

The next step is to clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/gefyrahq/gefyra-demos

Applying the workload

The following YAML file sets up a simple two-tier app consisting of a backend service and a frontend service with communication between the two services established via the SVC_URL environment variable passed to the frontend container. 

It defines two pods, named backend and frontend, and two services, named backend and frontend, respectively. The backend pod is defined with a container that runs the quay.io/gefyra/gefyra-demo-backend image on port 5002. The frontend pod is defined with a container that runs the quay.io/gefyra/gefyra-demo-frontend image on port 5003. The frontend container also includes an environment variable named SVC_URL, which is set to the value backend.default.svc.cluster.local:5002.

The backend service is defined to select the backend pod using the app: backend label, and expose port 5002. The frontend service is defined to select the frontend pod using the app: frontend label, and expose port 80 as a load balancer, which routes traffic to port 5003 of the frontend container.

/gefyra-demos/kcd-munich> kubectl apply -f manifests/demo.yaml
pod/backend created
pod/frontend created
service/backend created
service/frontend created

Let’s watch the workload getting ready:

kubectl get pods
backend     1/1            Running    0                    2m6s
frontend     1/1            Running    0                    2m6s

After ensuring that the backend and frontend pods have finished initializing (check for the READY column in the output), you can access the application by navigating to http://localhost in your web browser. This URL is served from the Kubernetes environment of Docker Desktop. 

Upon loading the page, you will see the application’s output displayed in your browser. Although the output may not be visually stunning, it is functional and should provide the necessary functionality for your needs.

Blue bar displaying "Hello World" in black text.

Now, let’s explore how we can correct or adjust the color of the output generated by the frontend component.

Using Gefyra “Run Container” with the frontend process

In the first part of this section, you will see how to execute a frontend process on your local machine that is associated with a resource based on the Kubernetes cluster: the backend API. This can be anything ranging from a database to a message broker or any other service utilized in the architecture.

Kick off a local container with Run Container from the Gefyra start screen (Figure 9).

Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing blue "Run container" button.
Figure 9: Run a local container.

Once you’ve entered the first step of this process, you will find the kubeconfig` and context to be set automatically. That’s a lifesaver if you don’t know where to find the default kubeconfig on your host.

Just hit the Next button and proceed with the container settings (Figure 10).

Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing the "Set Kubernetes Settings" step.
Figure 10: Container settings.

In the Container Settings step, you can configure the Kubernetes-related parameters for your local container. In this example, everything happens in the default Kubernetes namespace. Select it in the first drop-down input (Figure 11). 

In the drop-down input below Image, you can specify the image to run locally. Note that it lists all images that are being used in the selected namespace (from the Namespace selector). Isn’t that convenient? You don’t need to worry about the images being used in the cluster or find them yourself. Instead, you get a suggestion to work with the image at hand, as we want to do in this example (Figure 12). You could still specify any arbitrary images if you like, for example, a completely new image you just built on your machine.

Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing "Select a Workload" drop-down menu under Container Settings.
Figure 11: Select namespace and workload.
Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing drop-down menu of images.
Figure 12: Select image to run.

To copy the environment of the frontend container running in the cluster, you will need to select pod/frontend from the Copy Environment From selector (Figure 13). This step is important because you need the backend service address, which is passed to the pod in the cluster using an environment variable.

Finally, for the upper part of the container settings, you need to overwrite the following run command of the container image to enable code reloading:

poetry run flask --app app --debug run --port 5002 --host
Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing selection of  “pod/frontend” under “Copy Environment From."
Figure 13: Copy environment of frontend container.

Let’s start the container process on port 5002 and expose this port on the local machine. In addition, let’s mount the code directory (/gefyra-demos/kcd-munich/frontend) to make code changes immediately visible. That’s it for now. A click on the Run button starts the process.

Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing installation progress bar.
Figure 14: Installing Gefyra components.

It takes a few seconds to install Gefyra’s cluster-side components, prepare the local networking part, and pull the container image to start locally (Figure 14). Once this is ready, you will get redirected to the native container view of Docker Desktop from this container (Figure 15).

Screenshot showing native container view of Docker Desktop.
Figure 15: Log view.

You can look around in the container using the Terminal tab (Figure 16). Type in the env command in the shell, and you will see all the environment variables coming with Kubernetes.

Screenshot showing Terminal view of running container.
Figure 16: Terminal view.

We’re particularly interested in the SVC_URL variable that points the frontend to the backend process, which is, of course, still running in the cluster. Now, when browsing to the URL http://localhost:5002, you will get a slightly different output:

Blue bar displaying "Hello KCD" in black text

Why is that? Let’s look at the code that we already mounted into the local container, specifically the app.py that runs a Flask server (Figure 17).

Screenshot of colorful app.py code on black background.
Figure 17: App.py code.

The last line of the code in the Gefyra example displays the text Hello KCD!, and any changes made to this code are immediately updated in the local container. This feature is noteworthy because developers can freely modify the code and see the changes reflected in real-time without having to rebuild or redeploy the container.

Line 12 of the code in the Gefyra example sends a request to a service URL, which is stored in the variable SVC. The value of SVC is read from an environment variable named SVC_URL, which is copied from the pod in the Kubernetes cluster. The URL, backend.default.svc.cluster.local:5002, is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that points to a Kubernetes service object and a port. 

These URLs are commonly used by applications in Kubernetes to communicate with each other. The local container process is capable of sending requests to services running in Kubernetes using the native connection parameters, without the need for developers to make any changes, which may seem like magic at times.

In most development scenarios, the capabilities of Gefyra we just discussed are sufficient. In other words, you can use Gefyra to run a local container that can communicate with resources in the Kubernetes cluster, and you can access the app on a local port. However, what if you need to modify the backend while the frontend is still running in Kubernetes? This is where the “bridge” feature of Gefyra comes in, which we will explore next.

Gefyra “bridge” with the backend process

We could choose to run the frontend process locally and connect it to the backend process running in Kubernetes through a bridge. However, this approach may not always be necessary or desirable, especially for backend developers who may not be interested in the frontend. In this case, it may be more convenient to leave the frontend running in the cluster and stop the local instance by selecting the stop button in Docker Desktop’s container view.

First of all, we have to run a local instance of the backend service. It’s the same as with the frontend, but this time with the backend container image (Figure 18).

Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing "pod/backend" setup.
Figure 18: Running a backend container image.

Compared to the frontend example from above, you can run the backend container image (quay.io/gefyra/gefyra-demo-backend:latest), which is suggested by the drop-down selector. This time we need to copy the environment from the backend pod running in Kubernetes. Note that the volume mount is now set to the code of the backend service to make it work.

After starting the container, you can check http://localhost:5002/color, which serves the backend API response. Looking at the app.py of the backend service shows the source of this response. In line 8, this app returns a JSON response with the color property set to green (Figure 19).

Screenshot showing app.py code with "color" set to "green".
Figure 19: Checking the color.

At this point, keep in mind that we’re only running a local instance of the backend service. This time, a connection to a Kubernetes-based resource is not needed as this container runs without any external dependency.

The idea is to make the frontend process that serves from the Kubernetes cluster on http://localhost (still blue) pick up our backend information to render its output. That’s done using Gefyra’s bridge feature. In the next step, we will overlay the backend process running in the cluster with our local container instance so that the local code becomes effective in the cluster.

Getting back to the Gefyra container list on the start screen, you can find the Bridge column on each locally running container (Figure 20). Once you click this button, you can create a bridge of your local container into the cluster.

Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing "Bridge" column on far right.
Figure 20: The Bridge column is visible on the far right.

In the next dialog, we need to enter the bridge configuration (Figure 21).

Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing Bridge Settings.
Figure 21: Enter the bridge configuration.

Let’s set the “Target” for the bridge to the backend pod, which is currently serving the frontend process in the cluster, and set a timeout for the bridge to 60 seconds. We also need to map the port of the proxy running in the cluster with the local instance. 

If your local container is configured to listen on a different port from the cluster, you can specify the mapping here (Figure 22). In this example, the service is running on port 5003 in both the cluster and on the local machine, so we need to map that port. After clicking the Bridge button, it takes a few seconds to return to the container list on Gefyra’s start view.

 Screenshot of Gefyra interface showing port mapping configuration.
Figure 22: Specify port mapping.

Observe the change in the icon of the Bridge button, which now depicts a stop symbol (Figure 23). This means the bridge function is now operational and can be terminated by simply clicking this button again.

Screenshot of Gefyra showing closeup view of Bridge column and blue stop button.
Figure 23: The Bridge column showing a stop symbol.

At this point, the local code is able to handle requests from the frontend process in the cluster by using the URL stored in the SVC_URL variable, without making any changes to the frontend process itself. To confirm this, you can open http://localhost in your browser (which is served from the Kubernetes of Docker Desktop) and check that the output is now green. This is because the local code is returning the value green for the color property. You can change this value to any valid one in your IDE, and it will be immediately reflected in the cluster. This is the amazing power of this tool.

Remember to release the bridge of your container once you are finished making changes to your backend. This will reset the cluster to its original state, and the frontend will display the original “beautiful” blue H1 again. This approach allows us to intercept containers running in Kubernetes with our local code without modifying the Kubernetes cluster itself. That’s because we did not make any changes to the Kubernetes cluster itself. Instead, we kind of intercepted containers running in Kubernetes with our local code and released that intercept afterwards.


Gefyra is an easy-to-use Docker Desktop extension that connects with Kubernetes to improve development workflows and team collaboration. It lets you run containers as usual while being connected with Kubernetes, thereby saving time and ensuring high dev/prod parity. 

The Blueshoe development team would appreciate a star on GitHub and welcomes you to join their Discord community for more information.

About the Author

Michael Schilonka is a strong believer that Kubernetes can be a software development platform, too. He is the co-founder and managing director of the Munich-based agency Blueshoe and the technical lead of Gefyra and Getdeck. He talks about Kubernetes in general and how they are using Kubernetes for development. Follow him on LinkedIn to stay connected.

Enabling a No-Code Performance Testing Platform Using the Ddosify Docker Extension https://www.docker.com/blog/no-code-performance-testing-using-ddosify-extension/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 18:12:32 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=41206 Performance testing is a critical component of software testing and performance evaluation. It involves simulating a large number of users accessing a system simultaneously to determine the system’s behavior under high user loads. This process helps organizations understand how their systems will perform in real-world scenarios and identify potential performance bottlenecks. Testing the performance of your application under different load conditions also helps identify bottlenecks and improve your application’s performance. 

In this article, we provide an introduction to the Ddosify Docker Extension and show how to get started using it for performance testing.  

banner ddosify extension

The importance of performance testing

Performance testing should be regularly performed to ensure that your application is performing well under different load conditions so that your customers can have a great experience. Kissmetrics found that a 1-second delay in page response time can lead to a seven percent decrease in conversions and that half of the customers expect a website to load in less than 2 seconds. A 1-second delay in page response could result in a potential loss of several million dollars in annual sales for an e-commerce site.

Meet Ddosify

Ddosify is a high-performance, open-core performance testing platform that focuses on load and latency testing. Ddosify offers a suite of three products:

1. Ddosify Engine: An open source, single-node, load-testing tool (6K+ stars) that can be used to test your application from your terminal using a simple JSON file. Ddosify is written in Golang and can be deployed on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Developers and small companies are using Ddosify Engine to test their applications. The tool is available on GitHub.

2. Ddosify Cloud: An open core SaaS platform that allows you to test your application without any programming expertise. Ddosify Cloud uses Ddosify Engine in a distributed manner and provides a web interface to generate load test scenarios without code. Users can test their applications from different locations around the world and can generate advanced reports. We are using different technologies including Docker, Kubernetes, InfluxDB, RabbitMQ, React.js, Golang, AWS, and PostgreSQL within this platform and all working together transparently for the user. This tool is available on the Ddosify website.

3. Ddosify Docker Extension: This tool has similarities to Ddosify Engine, but has an easy-to-use user interface thanks to the extension capability of Docker Desktop. This feature allows you to test your application within Docker Desktop. The Ddosify Docker Extension is available free of charge from the Extension marketplace. The Ddosify Docker Extension repository is open source and available on GitHub. The tool is also available from the Docker Extensions Marketplace.

In this article, we will focus on the Ddosify Docker Extension.

The architecture of Ddosify

Ddosify Docker Extension uses the Ddosify Engine as a base image under the hood. We collect settings, including request count, duration, and headers, from the extension UI and send them to the Ddosify Engine. 

The Ddosify Engine performs the load testing and returns the results to the extension. The extension then displays the results to the user (Figure 1). 

Illustration showing that the Ddosify Engine performs the load testing and returns the results to the extension. The extension then displays the results to the user.
Figure 1: Overview of Ddosify.

Why Ddosify?

Ddosify is easy to use and offers many features, including dynamic variables, CSV data import, various load types, correlation, and assertion. Ddosify also has different options for different use cases. If you are an individual developer, you can use the Ddosify Engine or Ddosify Docker Extension free of charge. If you need code-free load testing, advanced reporting, multi-geolocation, and more requests per second (RPS), you can use the Ddosify Cloud. 

With Ddosify, you can: 

  • Identify performance issues of your application by simulating high user traffic.
  • Optimize your infrastructure and ensure that you are only paying for the resources that you need.
  • Identify bugs before your customers do. Some bugs are only triggered under high load.
  • Measure your system capacity and identify its limitations.

Why run Ddosify as a Docker Extension?

Docker Extensions help you build and integrate software applications into your daily workflows. With Ddosify Docker Extension, you can easily perform load testing on your application from within Docker Desktop. You don’t need to install anything on your machine except Docker Desktop. Features of Ddosify Docker Extension include:

  • Strong community with 6K+ GitHub stars and a total of 1M+ downloads on all platforms. Community members contribute by proposing/adding features and fixing bugs.
  • Currently supports HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Other protocols are on the way.
  • Supports various load types. Test your system’s limits across different load types, including:
    • Linear
    • Incremental
    • Waved
  • Dynamic variables (parameterization) support. Just like Postman, Ddosify supports dynamic variables.
  • Save load testing results as PDF.

Getting started

As a prerequisite, you need Docker Desktop 4.10.0 or higher installed on your machine. You can download Docker Desktop from our website.

Step 1: Install Ddosify Docker Extension

Because Ddosify is an extension partner of Docker, you can easily install Ddosify Docker Extension from the Docker Extensions Marketplace (Figure 2). Start Docker Desktop and select Add Extensions. Next, filter by Testing Tools and select Ddosify. Click on the Install button to install the Ddosify Docker Extension. After a few seconds, Ddosify Docker Extension will be installed on your machine.

Screenshot showing how to install Ddosify Docker. Start Docker Desktop and select Add Extensions. Next, filter by Testing Tools and select Ddosify. Click on the Install button to install the Ddosify Docker Extension. After a few seconds, Ddosify Docker Extension will be installed on your machine.
Figure 2: Installing Ddosify.

Step 2: Start load testing

You can start load testing your application from the Docker Desktop (Figure 3). Start Docker Desktop and click on the Ddosify icon in the Extensions section. The UI of the Ddosify Docker Extension will be opened.

Screenshot showing how to start load testing your application from the Docker Desktop. Start Docker Desktop and click on the Ddosify icon in the Extensions section. The UI of the Ddosify Docker Extension will be opened.
Figure 3: Starting load testing.

You can start load testing by entering the target URL of your application. You can choose HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), protocol (HTTP, HTTPS), request count, duration, load type (linear, incremental, waved), timeout, body, headers, basic auth, and proxy settings. We chose the following values: 

Request Count: 100
Load Type:Linear
Body:{“username”: “{{_randomUserName}}”, “email”: “{{_randomEmail}}”, “password”: “{{_randomPassword}}”}
Headers:User-Agent: DdosifyDockerExtension/0.1.2Content-Type: application/json

In this configuration, we are sending 100 requests to the target URL for 5 seconds (Figure 4). The RPS is 20. The target URL is a test server that is used to register new users with body parameters. We are using dynamic variables (random) for username, email, and password in the body. You can learn more about dynamic variables from the Ddosify documentation.

UI screenshot showing 100 requests sending to the target URL for 5 seconds.
Figure 4: Parameters for sample load test.

Then click on the Start Load Test button to begin load testing. The results will be displayed in the UI (Figure 5).

Click on the Start Load Test button to begin load testing. The results will be displayed in the UI. In this screenshot, we see a list of failed runs and successful runsm 48 users created, and server did not respond to 32 requests.
Figure 5: Ddosify test results.

The test results include the following information:

  • 48 requests successfully created users. Response Code: 201
  • 20 requests failed to create users because of the duplicate username and emails with the server. Response Code: 400
  • 32 requests failed to create users because of the timeout. The server could not respond within 10 seconds, so we should increase the timeout value or optimize the server

You can also save the load test results. Click on the Report button to save the results as a PDF file (Figure 6).

Screenshot showing the Report button to click to save the results as a PDF file.
Figure 6: Save results as PDF.


In this article, we showed how to install Ddosify Docker Extension and quickly start load testing your application from Docker Desktop. We created random users on a test server with 100 requests for 5 seconds, and we saw that the server could not handle all the requests because of the timeout. 

If you need help with Ddosify, you can create an issue on our GitHub repository or join our Discord server.


Containerizing an Event Posting App Built with the MEAN Stack https://www.docker.com/blog/containerizing-an-event-posting-app-built-with-the-mean-stack/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 18:03:36 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=41248 This article is a result of open source collaboration. During Hacktoberfest 2022, the project was announced in the Black Forest Docker meetup group and received contributions from members of the meetup group and other Hacktoberfest contributors. Almost all of the code in the GitHub repo was written by Stefan Ruf, Himanshu Kandpal, and Sreekesh Iyer.

The MEAN stack is a fast-growing, open source JavaScript stack used to develop web applications. MEAN is a diverse collection of robust technologies — MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js — for developing scalable web applications. 

The stack is a popular choice for web developers as it allows them to work with a single language throughout the development process and it also provides a lot of flexibility and scalability. Node, Express, and Angular even claimed top spots as popular frameworks or technologies in Stack Overflow’s 2022 Developer Survey.

In this article, we’ll describe how the MEAN stack works using an Event Posting app as an example.

MEAN stack logos for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js

How does the MEAN stack work?

MEAN consists of the following four components:

  • MongoDB — A NoSQL database 
  • ExpressJS —  A backend web-application framework for NodeJS
  • Angular — A JavaScript-based front-end web development framework for building dynamic, single-page web applications
  • NodeJS — A JavaScript runtime environment that enables running JavaScript code outside the browser, among other things

Here’s a brief overview of how the different components might work together:

  • A user interacts with the frontend, via the web browser, which is built with Angular components. 
  • The backend server delivers frontend content, via ExpressJS running atop NodeJS.
  • Data is fetched from the MongoDB database before it returns to the frontend. Here, your application displays it for the user.
  • Any interaction that causes a data-change request is sent to the Node-based Express server.

Why is the MEAN stack so popular?

The MEAN stack is often used to build full-stack, JavaScript web applications, where the same language is used for both the client-side and server-side of the application. This approach can make development more efficient and consistent and make it easier for developers to work on both the frontend and backend of the application.

The MEAN stack is popular for a few reasons, including the following:

  • Easy learning curve — If you’re familiar with JavaScript and JSON, then it’s easy to get started. MEAN’s structure lets you easily build a three-tier architecture (frontend, backend, database) with just JavaScript and JSON.
  • Model View Architecture — MEAN supports the Model-view-controller architecture, supporting a smooth and seamless development process.
  • Reduces context switching — Because MEAN uses JavaScript for both frontend and backend development, developers don’t need to worry about switching languages. This capability boosts development efficiency.
  • Open source and active community support — The MEAN stack is purely open source. All developers can build robust web applications. Its frameworks improve the coding efficiency and promote faster app development.

Running the Event Posting app

Here are the key components of the Event Posting app:

Deploying the Event Posting app is a fast process. To start, you’ll clone the repository, set up the client and backend, then bring up the application. 

Then, complete the following steps:

git clone https://github.com/dockersamples/events 
cd events/backend
npm install
npm run dev

General flow of the Event Posting app

The flow of information through the Event Posting app is illustrated in Figure 1 and described in the following steps.

Illustration showing the flow of information through components of the Event Posting app, including the browser, frontend container, backend server, and MongoDB.
Figure 1: General flow of the Event Posting app.
  1. A user visits the event posting app’s website on their browser.
  2. AngularJS, the frontend framework, retrieves the necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files from the server and renders the initial view of the website.
  3. When the user wants to view a list of events or create a new event, AngularJS sends an HTTP request to the backend server.
  4. Express.js, the backend web framework, receives the request and processes it. This step includes interacting with the MongoDB database to retrieve or store data and providing an API for the frontend to access the data.
  5. The back-end server sends a response to the frontend, which AngularJS receives and uses to update the view.
  6. When a user creates a new event, AngularJS sends a POST request to the backend server, which Express.js receives and processes. Express.js stores the new event in the MongoDB database.
  7. The backend server sends a confirmation response to the front-end, which AngularJS receives and uses to update the view and display the new event.
  8. Node.js, the JavaScript runtime, handles the server-side logic for the application and allows for real-time updates. This includes running the Express.js server, handling real-time updates using WebSockets, and handling any other server-side tasks.

You can then access Event Posting at http://localhost:80 in your browser (Figure 2):

Screenshot of blue "Add new event" button.
Figure 2: Add a new event.

Select Add New Event to add the details (Figure 3).

Screenshot of dialog box for adding event details, such as name, organizer, and date.
Figure 3: Add event details.

Save the event details to see the final results (Figure 4).

Screenshot of display showing upcoming events, with example Docker events in Berlin and Bangalore.
Figure 4: Display upcoming events.

Why containerize the MEAN stack?

Containerizing the MEAN stack allows for a consistent, portable, and easily scalable environment for the application, as well as improved security and ease of deployment. Containerizing the MEAN stack has several benefits, such as:

  • Consistency: Containerization ensures that the environment for the application is consistent across different development, testing, and production environments. This approach eliminates issues that can arise from differences in the environment, such as different versions of dependencies or configurations.
  • Portability: Containers are designed to be portable, which means that they can be easily moved between different environments. This capability makes it easy to deploy the MEAN stack application to different environments, such as on-premises or in the cloud.
  • Isolation: Containers provide a level of isolation between the application and the host environment. Thus, the application has access only to the resources it needs and does not interfere with other applications running on the same host.
  • Scalability: Containers can be easily scaled up or down depending on the needs of the application, resulting in more efficient use of resources and better performance.

Containerizing your Event Posting app

Docker helps you containerize your MEAN Stack — letting you bundle your complete Event Posting application, runtime, configuration, and operating system-level dependencies. The container then includes everything needed to ship a cross-platform, multi-architecture web application. 

We’ll explore how to run this app within a Docker container using Docker Official Images. To begin, you’ll need to download Docker Desktop and complete the installation process. This step includes the Docker CLI, Docker Compose, and a user-friendly management UI, which will each be useful later on.

Docker uses a Dockerfile to create each image’s layers. Each layer stores important changes stemming from your base image’s standard configuration. Next, we’ll create an empty Dockerfile in the root of our project repository.

Containerizing your Angular frontend

We’ll build a multi-stage Dockerfile to containerize our Angular frontend. 

A Dockerfile is a plain-text file that contains instructions for assembling a Docker container image. When Docker builds our image via the docker build command, it reads these instructions, executes them, and creates a final image. 

With multi-stage builds, a Docker build can use one base image for compilation, packaging, and unit testing. A separate image holds the application’s runtime. This setup makes the final image more secure and shrinks its footprint (because it doesn’t contain development or debugging tools). 

Let’s walk through the process of creating a Dockerfile for our application. First, create the following empty file with the name Dockerfile in the root of your frontend app.

touch Dockerfile

Then you’ll need to define your base image in the Dockerfile file. Here we’ve chosen the stable LTS version of the Node Docker Official Image. This image comes with every tool and package needed to run a Node.js application:

FROM node:lts-alpine AS build

Next, let’s create a directory to house our image’s application code. This acts as the working directory for your application:

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

The following COPY instruction copies the package.json and src file from the host machine to the container image. 

The COPY command takes two parameters. The first tells Docker which file(s) you’d like to copy into the image. The second tells Docker where you want those files to be copied. We’ll copy everything into our working directory called /usr/src/app.

COPY package.json .

COPY package-lock.json .
RUN npm ci

Next, we need to add our source code into the image. We’ll use the COPY command just like we previously did with our package.json file. 

Note: It’s common practice to copy the package.json file separately from the application code when building a Docker image. This step allows Docker to cache the node_modules layer separately from the application code layer, which can significantly speed up the Docker build process and improve the development workflow.

COPY . .

Then, use npm run build to run the build script from package.json:

RUN npm run build

In the next step, we need to specify the second stage of the build that uses an Nginx image as its base and copies the nginx.conf file to the /etc/nginx directory. It also copies the compiled TypeScript code from the build stage to the /usr/share/nginx/html directory.

FROM nginx:stable-alpine

COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/dist/events /usr/share/nginx/html

Finally, the EXPOSE instruction tells Docker which port the container listens on at runtime. You can specify whether the port listens on TCP or UDP. The default is TCP if the protocol isn’t specified.


Here is our complete Dockerfile:

# Builder container to compile typescript
FROM node:lts-alpine AS build
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# Install dependencies
COPY package.json .
COPY package-lock.json .
RUN npm ci

# Copy the application source
COPY . .
# Build typescript
RUN npm run build

FROM nginx:stable-alpine

COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/dist/events /usr/share/nginx/html


Now, let’s build our image. We’ll run the docker build command as above, but with the -f Dockerfile flag. The -f flag specifies your Dockerfile name. The “.” command will use the current directory as the build context and read a Dockerfile from stdin. The -t tags the resulting image.

docker build . -f Dockerfile -t events-fe:1

Containerizing your Node.js backend

Let’s walk through the process of creating a Dockerfile for our backend as the next step. First, create the following empty Dockerfile in the root of your backend Node app:

# Builder container to compile typescript
FROM node:lts-alpine AS build
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# Install dependencies
COPY package.json .
COPY package-lock.json .
RUN npm ci

# Copy the application source
COPY . .
# Build typescript
RUN npm run build

FROM node:lts-alpine
COPY package.json .
COPY package-lock.json .
COPY .env.production .env

RUN npm ci --production

COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/dist /app

CMD [ "node", "src/index.js"]

This Dockerfile is useful for building and running TypeScript applications in a containerized environment, allowing developers to package and distribute their applications more easily.

The first stage of the build process, named build, is based on the official Node.js LTS Alpine Docker image. It sets the working directory to /usr/src/app and copies the package.json and package-lock.json files to install dependencies with the npm ci command. It then copies the entire application source code and builds TypeScript with the npm run build command.

The second stage of the build process, named production, also uses the official Node.js LTS Alpine Docker image. It sets the working directory to /app and copies the package.json, package-lock.json, and .env.production files. It then installs only production dependencies with npm ci --production command, and copies the output of the previous stage, the compiled TypeScript code, from /usr/src/app/dist to /app.

Finally, it exposes port 8000 and runs the command node src/index.js when the container is started.

Defining services using a Compose file

Here’s how our services appear within a Docker Compose file:

      context: "./frontend/events"
      dockerfile: "./Dockerfile"
      - events_net
      context: "./backend"
      dockerfile: "./Dockerfile"
      - events_net
    image: mongo:latest
      - 27017:27017
      - events_net
    image: nginx:stable-alpine
      - NGINX_ENVSUBST_OUTPUT_DIR=/etc/nginx
      - ${PWD}/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/templates/nginx.conf.conf
      - 80:80
      - events_net


Your example application has the following parts:

  • Four services backed by Docker images: Your Angular frontend, Node.js backend, MongoDB database, and Nginx as a proxy server
  • The frontend and backend services are built from Dockerfiles located in ./frontend/events and ./backend directories, respectively. Both services are attached to a network called events_net.
  • The db service is based on the latest version of the MongoDB Docker image and exposes port 27017. It is attached to the same events_net network as the frontend and backend services.
  • The proxy service is based on the stable-alpine version of the Nginx Docker image. It has two environment variables defined, NGINX_ENVSUBST_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX and NGINX_ENVSUBST_OUTPUT_DIR, that enable environment variable substitution in Nginx configuration files. 
  • The proxy service also has a volume defined that maps the local nginx.conf file to /etc/nginx/templates/nginx.conf.conf in the container. Finally, it exposes port 80 and is attached to the events_net network.
  • The events_net network is defined at the end of the file, and all services are attached to it. This setup enables communication between the containers using their service names as hostnames.

You can clone the repository or download the docker-compose.yml file directly from Dockersamples on GitHub.

Bringing up the container services

You can start the MEAN application stack by running the following command:

docker compose up -d 

Next, use the docker compose ps command to confirm that your stack is running properly. Your terminal will produce the following output:

$ docker compose ps   
NAME                IMAGE                 COMMAND                  SERVICE             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS
events-backend-1    events-backend        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   backend             29 minutes ago      Up 29 minutes       8000/tcp
events-db-1         mongo:latest          "docker-entrypoint.s…"   db                  5 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds>27017/tcp
events-frontend-1   events-frontend       "/docker-entrypoint.…"   frontend            29 minutes ago      Up 29 minutes       80/tcp
events-proxy-1      nginx:stable-alpine   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   proxy               29 minutes ago      Up 29 minutes>80/tcp

Viewing the containers via Docker Dashboard

You can also leverage the Docker Dashboard to view your container’s ID and easily access or manage your application (Figure 5):

Screenshot of Docker Dashboard showing running containers.
Figure 5: Viewing running containers in Docker Dashboard.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to containerize a MEAN-backed Event Posting application with Docker. With a single YAML file, we’ve demonstrated how Docker Compose helps you easily build and deploy your MEAN stack in seconds. With just a few extra steps, you can apply this tutorial while building applications with even greater complexity. Happy developing!

Effortlessly Build Machine Learning Apps with Hugging Face’s Docker Spaces https://www.docker.com/blog/build-machine-learning-apps-with-hugging-faces-docker-spaces/ Thu, 23 Mar 2023 17:44:24 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=41553 The Hugging Face Hub is a platform that enables collaborative open source machine learning (ML). The hub works as a central place where users can explore, experiment, collaborate, and build technology with machine learning. On the hub, you can find more than 140,000 models, 50,000 ML apps (called Spaces), and 20,000 datasets shared by the community.

Using Spaces makes it easy to create and deploy ML-powered applications and demos in minutes. Recently, the Hugging Face team added support for Docker Spaces, enabling users to create any custom app they want by simply writing a Dockerfile.

Another great thing about Spaces is that once you have your app running, you can easily share it with anyone around the world. 🌍

This guide will step through the basics of creating a Docker Space, configuring it, and deploying code to it. We’ll show how to build a basic FastAPI app for text generation that will be used to demo the google/flan-t5-small model, which can generate text given input text. Models like this are used to power text completion in all sorts of apps. (You can check out a completed version of the app at Hugging Face.)

banner hugging face docker


To follow along with the steps presented in this article, you’ll need to be signed in to the Hugging Face Hub — you can sign up for free if you don’t have an account already.

Create a new Docker Space 🐳

To get started, create a new Space as shown in Figure 1.

Screenshot of Hugging Face Spaces, showing "Create new Space" button in upper right.
Figure 1: Create a new Space.

Next, you can choose any name you prefer for your project, select a license, and use Docker as the software development kit (SDK) as shown in Figure 2. 

Spaces provides pre-built Docker templates like Argilla and Livebook that let you quickly start your ML projects using open source tools. If you choose the “Blank” option, that means you want to create your Dockerfile manually. Don’t worry, though; we’ll provide a Dockerfile to copy and paste later. 😅

Screenshot of Spaces interface where you can add name, license, and select an SDK.
Figure 2: Adding details for the new Space.

When you finish filling out the form and click on the Create Space button, a new repository will be created in your Spaces account. This repository will be associated with the new space that you have created.

Note: If you’re new to the Hugging Face Hub 🤗, check out Getting Started with Repositories for a nice primer on repositories on the hub.

Writing the app

Ok, now that you have an empty space repository, it’s time to write some code. 😎

The sample app will consist of the following three files:

  • requirements.txt — Lists the dependencies of a Python project or application
  • app.py — A Python script where we will write our FastAPI app
  • Dockerfile — Sets up our environment, installs requirements.txt, then launches app.py

To follow along, create each file shown below via the web interface. To do that, navigate to your Space’s Files and versions tab, then choose Add fileCreate a new file (Figure 3). Note that, if you prefer, you can also utilize Git.

Screenshot showing selection of "Create a new file" under "Add file" dropdown menu.
Figure 3: Creating new files.

Make sure that you name each file exactly as we have done here. Then, copy the contents of each file from here and paste them into the corresponding file in the editor. After you have created and populated all the necessary files, commit each new file to your repository by clicking on the Commit new file to main button.

Listing the Python dependencies 

It’s time to list all the Python packages and their specific versions that are required for the project to function properly. The contents of the requirements.txt file typically include the name of the package and its version number, which can be specified in a variety of formats such as exact version numbers, version ranges, or compatible versions. The file lists FastAPI, requests, and uvicorn for the API along with sentencepiece, torch, and transformers for the text-generation model.


Defining the FastAPI web application

The following code defines a FastAPI web application that uses the transformers library to generate text based on user input. The app itself is a simple single-endpoint API. The /generate endpoint takes in text and uses a transformers pipeline to generate a completion, which it then returns as a response.

To give folks something to see, we reroute FastAPI’s interactive Swagger docs from the default /docs endpoint to the root of the app. This way, when someone visits your Space, they can play with it without having to write any code.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from transformers import pipeline

# Create a new FastAPI app instance
app = FastAPI()

# Initialize the text generation pipeline
# This function will be able to generate text
# given an input.
pipe = pipeline("text2text-generation", 

# Define a function to handle the GET request at `/generate`
# The generate() function is defined as a FastAPI route that takes a 
# string parameter called text. The function generates text based on the # input using the pipeline() object, and returns a JSON response 
# containing the generated text under the key "output"
def generate(text: str):
    Using the text2text-generation pipeline from `transformers`, generate text
    from the given input text. The model used is `google/flan-t5-small`, which
    can be found [here](<https://huggingface.co/google/flan-t5-small>).
    # Use the pipeline to generate text from the given input text
    output = pipe(text)
    # Return the generated text in a JSON response
    return {"output": output[0]["generated_text"]}

Writing the Dockerfile

In this section, we will write a Dockerfile that sets up a Python 3.9 environment, installs the packages listed in requirements.txt, and starts a FastAPI app on port 7860.

Let’s go through this process step by step:

FROM python:3.9

The preceding line specifies that we’re going to use the official Python 3.9 Docker image as the base image for our container. This image is provided by Docker Hub, and it contains all the necessary files to run Python 3.9.


This line sets the working directory inside the container to /code. This is where we’ll copy our application code and dependencies later on.

COPY ./requirements.txt /code/requirements.txt

The preceding line copies the requirements.txt file from our local directory to the /code directory inside the container. This file lists the Python packages that our application depends on

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /code/requirements.txt

This line uses pip to install the packages listed in requirements.txt. The --no-cache-dir flag tells pip to not use any cached packages, the --upgrade flag tells pip to upgrade any already-installed packages if newer versions are available, and the -r flag specifies the requirements file to use.

RUN useradd -m -u 1000 user
USER user
ENV HOME=/home/user \\

These lines create a new user named user with a user ID of 1000, switch to that user, and then set the home directory to /home/user. The ENV command sets the HOME and PATH environment variables. PATH is modified to include the .local/bin directory in the user’s home directory so that any binaries installed by pip will be available on the command line. Refer the documentation to learn more about the user permission.


This line sets the working directory inside the container to $HOME/app, which is /home/user/app.

COPY --chown=user . $HOME/app

The preceding line copies the contents of our local directory into the /home/user/app directory inside the container, setting the owner of the files to the user that we created earlier.

CMD ["uvicorn", "app:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"]

This line specifies the command to run when the container starts. It starts the FastAPI app using uvicorn and listens on port 7860. The --host flag specifies that the app should listen on all available network interfaces, and the app:app argument tells uvicorn to look for the app object in the app module in our code.

Here’s the complete Dockerfile:

# Use the official Python 3.9 image
FROM python:3.9

# Set the working directory to /code

# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /code
COPY ./requirements.txt /code/requirements.txt

# Install requirements.txt 
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r /code/requirements.txt

# Set up a new user named "user" with user ID 1000
RUN useradd -m -u 1000 user
# Switch to the "user" user
USER user
# Set home to the user's home directory
ENV HOME=/home/user \\

# Set the working directory to the user's home directory

# Copy the current directory contents into the container at $HOME/app setting the owner to the user
COPY --chown=user . $HOME/app

# Start the FastAPI app on port 7860, the default port expected by Spaces
CMD ["uvicorn", "app:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"]

Once you commit this file, your space will switch to Building, and you should see the container’s build logs pop up so you can monitor its status. 👀

If you want to double-check the files, you can find all the files at our app Space.

Note: For a more basic introduction on using Docker with FastAPI, you can refer to the official guide from the FastAPI docs.

Using the app 🚀

If all goes well, your space should switch to Running once it’s done building, and the Swagger docs generated by FastAPI should appear in the App tab. Because these docs are interactive, you can try out the endpoint by expanding the details of the /generate endpoint and clicking Try it out! (Figure 4).

Screenshot of FastAPI showing "Try it out!" option on the right-hand side.
Figure 4: Trying out the app.


This article covered the basics of creating a Docker Space, building and configuring a basic FastAPI app for text generation that uses the google/flan-t5-small model. You can use this guide as a starting point to build more complex and exciting applications that leverage the power of machine learning.

If you’re interested in learning more about Docker templates and seeing curated examples, check out the Docker Examples page. There you’ll find a variety of templates to use as a starting point for your own projects, as well as tips and tricks for getting the most out of Docker templates. Happy coding!

Distributed Cloud-Native Graph Database with NebulaGraph Docker Extension https://www.docker.com/blog/distributed-cloud-native-graph-database-nebulagraph-docker-extension/ Thu, 09 Mar 2023 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=40887 Graph databases have become a popular solution for storing and querying complex relationships between data. As the amount of graph data grows and the need for high concurrency increases, a distributed graph database is essential to handle the scale.

Finding a distributed graph database that automatically shards the data, while allowing businesses to scale from small to trillion-edge-level without changing the underlying storage, architecture of the service, or application code, however, can be a challenge. 

In this article, we’ll look at NebulaGraph, a modern, open source database to help organizations meet these challenges.

banner nebulagraph extension

Meet NebulaGraph

NebulaGraph is a modern, open source, cloud-native graph database, designed to address the limitations of traditional graph databases, such as poor scalability, high latency, and low throughput. NebulaGraph is also highly scalable and flexible, with the ability to handle large-scale graph data ranging from small to trillion-edge-level.

NebulaGraph has built a thriving community of more than 1000 enterprise users since 2018, along with a rich ecosystem of tools and support. These benefits make it a cost-effective solution for organizations looking to build graph-based applications, as well as a great learning resource for developers and data scientists.

The NebulaGraph cloud-native database also offers Kubernetes Operators for easy deployment and management in cloud environments. This feature makes it a great choice for organizations looking to take advantage of the scalability and flexibility of cloud infrastructure.

Architecture of the NebulaGraph database

NebulaGraph consists of three services: the Graph Service, the Storage Service, and the Meta Service (Figure 1). The Graph Service, which consists of stateless processes (nebula-graphd), is responsible for graph queries. The Storage Service (nebula-storaged) is a distributed (Raft) storage layer that persistently stores the graph data. The Meta Service is responsible for managing user accounts, schema information, and Job management. With this design, NebulaGraph offers great scalability, high availability, cost-effectiveness, and extensibility.

nebulagraph database architecture infographic
Figure 1: Overview of NebulaGraph services.

Why NebulaGraph?

NebulaGraph is ideal for graph database needs because of its architecture and design, which allow for high performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. The architecture follows a separation of storage and computing architecture, which provides the following benefits:

  • Automatic sharding: NebulaGraph automatically shards graph data, allowing businesses to scale from small to trillion-edge-level data volumes without having to change the underlying storage, architecture, or application code.
  • High performance: With its optimized architecture and design, NebulaGraph provides high performance for complex graph queries and traversal operations.
  • High availability: If part of the Graph Service fails, the data stored by the Storage Service remains intact.
  • Flexibility: NebulaGraph supports property graphs and provides a powerful query language, called Nebula Graph Query Language (nGQL), which supports complex graph queries and traversal operations. 
  • Support for APIs: It provides a range of APIs and connectors that allow it to integrate with other tools and services in a distributed system.

Why run NebulaGraph as a Docker Extension?

In production environments, NebulaGraph can be deployed on Kubernetes or in the cloud, hiding the complexity of cluster management and maintenance from the user. However, for development, testing, and learning purposes, setting up a NebulaGraph cluster on a desktop or local environment can still be a challenging and costly process, especially for users who are not familiar with containers or command-line tools.

This is where the NebulaGraph Docker Extension comes in. It provides an elegant and easy-to-use solution for setting up a fully functional NebulaGraph cluster in just a few clicks, making it the perfect choice for developers, data scientists, and anyone looking to learn and experiment with NebulaGraph.

Getting started with NebulaGraph in Docker Desktop

Setting up

Prerequisites: Docker Desktop 4.10 or later.

Step 1: Enable Docker Extensions

You’ll need to enable Docker Extensions under the Settings tab in Docker Desktop. Within Docker Desktop, confirm that the Docker Extensions feature is enabled (Figure 2). Go to Settings > Extensions and select Enable Docker Extensions.

docker desktop extensions settings
Figure 2: Enabling Docker Extensions within the Docker Desktop.

All Docker Extension resources are hidden by default, so, to ensure its visibility, go to Settings > Extensions and check the Show Docker Extensions system containers.

Step 2: Install the NebulaGraph Docker Extension

The NebulaGraph extension is available from the Extensions Marketplace in Docker Desktop and on Docker Hub. To get started, search for NebulaGraph in the Extensions Marketplace, then select Install (Figure 3).

nebulagraph extensions marketplace
Figure 3: Installing NebulaGraph from the Extensions Marketplace.

This step will download and install the latest version of the NebulaGraph Docker Extension from Docker Hub. You can see the installation process by clicking Details (Figure 4).

nebulagraph installation progress docker desktop
Figure 4: Installation progress.

Step 3: Waiting for the cluster to be up and running

After the extension is installed, for the first run, it normally takes fewer than 5 minutes for the cluster to be fully functional. While waiting, we can quickly go through the Home tab and Get Started tab to see details of NebulaGraph and NebulaGraph Studio, the WebGUI Utils.

We can also confirm whether it’s ready by observing the containers’ status from the Resources tab of the Extension as shown in Figure 5.

nebulagraph resources docker desktop
Figure 5: Checking the status of containers.

Step 4: Get started with NebulaGraph

After the cluster is healthy, we can follow the Get Started steps to log in to the NebulaGraph Studio, then load the initial dataset, and query the graph (Figure 6).

nebulagraph get started docker desktop
Figure 6: Logging in to NebulaGraph Studio.

Step 5: Learn more from the starter datasets 

In a graph database, the focus is on the relationships between the data. With the starter datasets available in NebulaGraph Studio, you can get a better understanding of these relationships. All you need to do is click the Download button on each dataset card on the welcome page (Figure 7).

nebulagraph starter datasets
Figure 7: Starter datasets.

For example, in the demo_sns (social network) dataset, you can use the following query to find new friend recommendations by identifying second-degree friends with the most mutual friends:

nebula console demo sns
Figure 8: Query results shown in the Nebula console.

Instead of just displaying the query results, you can also return the entire pattern and easily gain insights. For example, in Figure 9, we can see LeBron James is on two mutual friend paths with Tim:

nebula console demo sns results graph
Figure 9: Graphing the query results.

Another example can be found in the demo_fraud_detection (graph of loan) dataset, where you can perform a 10-degree check for risky applicants, as shown in the following query:

WHERE id(p)=="p_200" AND 
p2.`applicant`.is_risky == "True"

The results shown in Figure 10 indicate that this applicant is suspected to be risky because of their connection to p_190.

nebula console demo fraud detection graph
Figure 10: Results of query showing fraud detection risk.

By exploring the relationships between data points, we can gain deeper insights into our data and make more informed decisions. Whether you are interested in finding new friends, detecting fraudulent activity, or any other use case, the starter datasets provide a valuable starting point.

We encourage you to download the datasets, experiment with different queries, and see what new insights you can uncover, then share with us in the NebulaGraph community.

Try NebulaGraph for yourself

To learn more about NebulaGraph, visit our website, documentation site, star our GitHub repo, or join our community chat.

Secure Your Kubernetes Clusters with the Kubescape Docker Extension https://www.docker.com/blog/secure-kubernetes-with-kubescape-extension/ Tue, 21 Feb 2023 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.docker.com/?p=40587 Container adoption in enterprises continues to grow, and Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for deploying and operating containerized applications. At the same time, security is shifting left and should be addressed earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Security has morphed from being a static gateway at the end of the development process to something that (ideally) is embedded every step of the way. This can potentially increase the effort for engineering and DevOps teams.

kubescape extension banner

Kubescape, a CNCF project initially created by ARMO, is intended to solve this problem. Kubescape provides a self-service, simple, and easily actionable security solution that meets developers where they are: Docker Desktop.

What is Kubescape?

Kubescape is an open source Kubernetes security platform for your IDE, CI/CD pipelines, and clusters.

Kubescape includes risk analysis, security compliance, and misconfiguration scanning. Targeting all security stakeholders, Kubescape offers an easy-to-use CLI interface, flexible output formats, and automated scanning capabilities. Kubescape saves Kubernetes users and admins time, effort, and resources.

How does Kubescape work?

Security researchers and professionals codify best practices in controls: preventative, detective, or corrective measures that can be taken to avoid — or contain — a security breach. These are grouped in frameworks by government and non-profit organizations such as the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, MITRE, and the Center for Internet Security.

Kubescape contains a library of security controls that codify Kubernetes best practices derived from the most prevalent security frameworks in the industry. These controls can be run against a running cluster or manifest files under development. They’re written in Rego, the purpose-built declarative policy language that supports Open Policy Agent (OPA).

Kubescape is commonly used as a command-line tool. It can be used to scan code manually or can be triggered by an IDE integration or a CI tool. By default, the CLI results are displayed in a console-friendly manner, but they can be exported to JSON or JUnit XML, rendered to HTML or PDF, or submitted to ARMO Platform (a hosted backend for Kubescape).

kubescape command line interface diagram

Regular scans can be run using an in-cluster operator, which also enables the scanning of container images for known vulnerabilities.

kubescape scan in cluster operator

Why run Kubescape as a Docker extension?

Docker extensions are fundamental for building and integrating software applications into daily workflows. With the Kubescape Docker Desktop extension, engineers can easily shift security left without changing work habits.

The Kubescape Docker Desktop extension helps developers adopt security hygiene as early as the first lines of code. As shown in the following diagram, Kubescape enables engineers to adopt security as they write code during every step of the SDLC.

Specifically, the Kubescape in-cluster component triggers periodic scans of the cluster and shows results in ARMO Platform. Findings shown in the dashboard can be further explored, and the extension provides users with remediation advice and other actionable insights.

kubescape scan in cluster operator

Installing the Kubescape Docker extension

Prerequisites: Docker Desktop 4.8 or later.

Step 1: Initial setup

In Docker Desktop, confirm that the Docker Extensions feature is enabled. (Docker Extensions should be enabled by default.)  In Settings | Extensions select the Enable Docker Extensions box.

step one enable kubescape extension

You must also enable Kubernetes under Preferences

step one enable kubernetes

Kubescape is in the Docker Extensions Marketplace. 

In the following instructions, we’ll install Kubescape in Docker Desktop. After the extension scans automatically, the results will be shown in ARMO Platform. Here is a demo of using Kubescape on Docker Desktop:

Step 2: Add the Kubescape extension

Open Docker Desktop and select Add Extensions to find the Kubescape extension in the Extensions Marketplace.

step two add kubescape extension

Step 3: Installation

Install the Kubescape Docker Extension.

step three install kubescape extension

Step 4: Register and deploy

Once the Kubescape Docker Extension is installed, you’re ready to deploy Kubescape.

step four register deploy kubescape select provider

Currently, the only hosting provider available is ARMO Platform. We’re looking forward to adding more soon.

step four register deploy kubescape sign up

To link up your cluster, the host requires an ARMO account.

step four register deploy kubescape connect armo account

After you’ve linked your account, you can deploy Kubescape.

step four register deploy kubescape deploy

Accessing the dashboard

Once your cluster is deployed, you can view the scan output on your host (ARMO Platform) and start improving your cluster’s security posture immediately.

armo scan dashboard

Security compliance

One step to improve your cluster’s security posture is to protect against the threats posed by misconfigurations.

ARMO Platform will display any misconfigurations in your YAML, offer information about severity, and provide remediation advice. These scans can be run against one or more of the frameworks offered and can run manually or be scheduled to run periodically.

armo scan misconfigurations

Vulnerability scanning

Another step to improve your cluster’s security posture is protecting against threats posed by vulnerabilities in images.

The Kubescape vulnerability scanner scans the container images in the cluster right after the first installation and uploads the results to ARMO Platform. Kubescape’s vulnerability scanner supports the ability to scan new images as they are deployed to the cluster. Scans can be carried out manually or periodically, based on configurable cron jobs.

armo kubescape vulnerability scanner

RBAC Visualization

With ARMO Platform, you can also visualize Kubernetes RBAC (role-based access control), which allows you to dive deep into account access controls. The visualization makes pinpointing over-privileged accounts easy, and you can reduce your threat landscape with well-defined privileges. The following example shows a subject with all privileges granted on a resource.

armo kubescape rbac visualizer

Kubescape, using ARMO Platform as a portal for additional inquiry and investigation, helps you strengthen and maintain your security posture

Next steps

The Kubescape Docker extension brings security to where you’re working. Kubescape enables you to shift security to the beginning of the development process by enabling you to implement security best practices from the first line of code. You can use the Kubernetes CLI tool to get insights, or export them to ARMO Platform for easy review and remediation advice.

Give the Kubescape Docker extension a try, and let us know what you think at cncf-kubescape-users@lists.cncf.io.

Kubescape Docker Desktop nonadult